Suprising events

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Lexi's pov:

I really needed this weekend, it helped me relax and forget about everything that has been going on in school.

I spent Saturday hanging out with Carlos and his family. His wife Melina is a cool chick, she gave me her number so we could go out sometime.

Laying in bed staring at the photo I brought along with me from back home, I let my fingers explore the outside of the photo, taking in the sharp edges.

Taking a deep breath in and painfully letting it out, I trace his face with the tips of my finger and gently whisper "te amo" (I love you) I place a kiss upon the glossy paper and hold it tight to my chest.

Monday at school

Walking to English I hear an unfamiliar voice calling my name, turning around I come face to face with one of little reds minions.

Putting on my scared face I keep my head down and hope she doesn't piss me off,

but unexpectedly she pulls me into a hug and starts saying shit about being friends??? Okay what?? I stare at her wide eyed before asking

"uhhh...errrrm, wwhhy do yoooou want to to bee myyy frieend?" I add in a bit of whimpering so she doesn't catch on,

but she just stares at me before she looks around checking to see if people were in ear sight then moves closer to my ears and whispers

"you're a really good actress you know that Lexi? Trust me I know when a person is actually a stutterer oh and I also want to be your friends, if that's okay with you?"

She gives me a sheepish grin and I reply saying "I don't think that's a good idea especially since I'm on little reds hit list and everyone else's"

I nod my head to the now curios looks. Still haven't yet learnt her name I wait for her full attention to carry on

"and I don't mean to be a bitch or anything but I don't think your friend/leader, little red will like the idea of us being friends"

totally ignoring what I had just said to her she pulls out her hand for me to shake while introducing herself

"well my name is Britney and I would really like to be your friend you don't seem like a person to judge and you're really pretty"

I just stare at her while she continues still holding onto my hand "red I'm assuming you're referring to Pixie, yeah anyways she's not my friend she's my older step sister.

Yep I know very shocking anyway I only hang out with her cause she found out my secret and now she uses it against me but I'm nothing like her.

I love reading books and English is my favorite subject oh and I love cars like omg I just, I just love them so much!"

I look up at her smiling, hmm maybe I can give this friend thing a try but I am worried something could happen to her if they find me ugh.

The bell rings and we walk to form, she takes a seat next to me and little red is glaring at me. I smirk and carry on talking to Britney.

Out of no where I feel a rush of cold water pouring down my body, I look up from my desk and see a big grin spread across little reds face.

Not giving her the satisfaction of being embarrassed, I turn to Britney and tell her I'll meet her after I get out of my now drenched clothes.

Getting up from my seat I walk out of class and head to my locker, not before missing the surprising looks on everyone's faces, haha I mentally laugh in my head, idiots.

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