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Dante and Lexi ^^^^

Lexi's pov:

Where am I? Why is it so damn dark? Where are the lights?

"Hello?.........Hello is the-" I was interrupted by a familiar voice that had my heart beating a thousands miles.

"Hola mi amor" feeling the sudden presences behind me, I let out a quiet whimper.

I close my eyes and open them, I close them again and open them. Am I in some sought of dream?

Closing my eyes once more, I hear his voice again, "abre los ojos mi amor, enséñame esos hermosos ojos" (open your eyes my love, show me those beautiful eyes"

I'm dreaming this isn't real, this can't be real "turn around princess" following his word, I turn around without opening my eyes.

"Dante?" his name escapes my lip, as I finally open my eyes. Feeling tears escaping the corners of my eyes, without even thinking I throw myself in  to his arms. His protecting and loving arms.

Warning sexual contexts below


"Are you sure about this Alexis, you don-yes I am sure about this, are you sure about this too?" Staring into his dreamy eyes I couldn't help but feel hypnotized.

Taking my hand in his he said "of course I am sure, I want you Alexis. I want you to be my first and my last" seeing his lips twitch into a hot smile I couldn't help but smile myself.

Laying my body down, he slowly crept on top of me. Sending another smile to him, he softly places his lips on mine.

Licking my bottom lip for entrance, I grant him access, we lay their exploring each others mouth, battling for dominance, of course Dante wins.

I soon feel his hand softly skimming against my skin, while I let my hands explore his body.

Reaching down to take my top off, I lift my body up slightly so he can slide it off, repeating his same action, I slowly take his top off him.

Laying back down he hazily smiles at me before moving back into his previous position and kissing me passionately.

He starts kissing his way down to my neck and then licks at the spot that has me moaning for more, I feel his sudden smirk.

Knowing he has my spot he carries on a little longer before licking his way down between the hollow of my breast.

Taking my left breast into his mouth I couldn't help but scream out a moan, moving to my right breast he does the same thing.

Oh dear life, what is he doing to me, this feels amazing. He slowly and teasingly starts brushing kisses down my body, reaching down to my legs he gracefully gets rid of my shorts.

Feeling a sudden blush makes it way to my face, I try to grab the pillow to hide it but Dante being the romantic type stopped me

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