Chapter One

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(Slow start but just to get things moving. I promise it will get better)

Chapter 1:

First day of college. The start of a new life with new people in a new location, thousands of miles away from home.

Stepping out of her parents' car, Tobin took in a breathe of fresh air. She could feel the warm sun hitting her skin and could smell the ocean less than a mile away. Shrugging on her backpack, she began taking her suitcases out of the back with the help of her parents.

"Promise to call home, every weekend. Okay?" Her mom said worriedly.

Tobin sighed, "Yes I promise."

She double checked the trunk and the backseat making sure she had everything.

"Go to class, be good. Don't get kicked out." Her dad warned before pulling her into hug, "Have fun though, enjoy college."

Quickly hugging him then her mother, "I will. Have a safe flight back to Jersey."

After a few more hugs and goodbyes, her parents finally drove away leaving her to find her way.

"Hello are you a freshman?" A girl asked from behind.

Tobin turned, "Uh yeah."

"Great. I'm Becky, I'm here to help show you to your dorm." She said, grabbing one of Tobin's suitcases, "I am a junior here majoring in English. Do you know which dorm you are in?"

"Yeah I thinks it's Oceanside dorm." Tobin replied, grabbing her other suitcase and following the girl, "and I'm Tobin by the way."

Becky continued leading her towards the center of campus, "Nice to meet you. You will love it here, any ways Oceanside is one of our freshman dorms here and in my opinion the best one. Do you know who your roommate is?"

"No I'm from New Jersey so I just did random." She said before mentally adding that she hoped it wasn't someone crazy.

After a few minutes, they approached two revolving doors. Becky let her go first and she followed behind before pushing the elevator button up.

"Okay here's your dorm, looks like you are on the fifth floor and once you get off just go right and you'll find it. Nice meeting you! Good luck." She said before walking back the way they came.

The elevator doors dinged and she stepped in, hitting the fifth floor. After a short ride, the doors reopened and luckily she met an empty hallway. Following Becky's instructions, she turned right and quickly found her room. She punched in the five-digit passcode that was emailed to her a few days ago. Tobin slowly opened the door in hopes that her roommate wasn't there yet.

She was wrong.

"Oh hey, you must be my roommate. I'm Amy but feel free to call me ARod." The blonde said stopping her unpacking.

"I'm Tobin," she replied doing a quick look around the room while she moved her suitcases to her side of the room.

She sighed in relief to see a soccer poster and a bible on one of the desks.

"You like soccer?" She asked trying to keep away from awkward silence.

"Oh," Amy said caught off guard, "yeah I played in high school but didn't want to play in college so I gave it up. You?"

Tobin began unpacking one of her suitcases, "Yeah I was actually on scholarship for UNC but my senior year I blew out my ankle and had to give it up."

"That sucks. Where are you from?"

"New Jersey, you?"

"A long ways away from home. I'm from California, about a two hour drive north of here."

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