Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 17:

"Sorry! I didn't mean to keep you waiting," Alex said to Christen as she sprinted out of the stairwell.

Christen just laughed and was about to reply before she was got off by another voice. "Aren't you guys going to be late to the meeting?" Hope asked from behind.

"Um, if we are going to be late so are you, big bad captain," Alex joked because she knew now that her and Kelley were dating, Hope wouldn't be as mean to her.

Hope just shrugged and the three of them hauled ass to the conference room barely making it in time.

Ali witnessed the trio stumble in, "Well, Hope hanging with the two freshies. This is new!" Most of the team got a laugh out of that because they all knew of Hope's hatred towards freshmen and didn't know that she was dating one. The meeting with a pretty fast one since the game was tomorrow. The starters were announced and it shocked no one that Christen and Alex were on that list.

"Wait, Hope!" Alex called out as the team started packing up and leaving, "I know you're my captain and everything and also a senior and also like three inches taller than me and..."

Hope interjected, "Just say it, baby horse."

"Baby horse?"

"Oh, yeah. The team came up with it after watching you sprint in games, but anyways, what was it that you wanted to tell me?"

Alex took a sharp inhale before hurriedly saying, "Please don't hurt Kelley, because she is my best friend and she deserves the best and I don't want to have to come after you if something goes wrong." Hope was going to laugh but realized that the young forward was serious. Alex had her eyes piercing Hope's with her arms crossed.

Hope could only nod, "I don't plan on hurting her and you have every right to come after me if I do." Alex relaxed and gave her a small smile before turning out of the room.


Tobin was going through her photos on her phone from the start of college and favorited the ones that she wanted to make into a collage or something. She saw that Alex had texted her that their meeting was over and that she was heading home. Tobin knew fall break was only a few days away and soon she would be meeting Alex's parents which scared the living shit out of her. Not knowing who to talk to, she called the only person she could think of.

"Hey Lindsey! Sorry for the random call."

"Don't worry, I love getting calls from my abroad buddy from high school," Lindsey replied. Tobin and Lindsey went to the same high school and as senior graduation trip went over to Europe together for awhile so they felt uniquely close. "What's up?"

Tobin laid down the logistics of her and Alex's relationship in hope to receive some useful advice. "Dumbass, you're going to be fine. Everyone loves you. You can make a 90 year old grandpa swoon over you." Tobin shook her head and started to pace around the room, "Linds, be serious like all I've ever had before his meaningless hookups. I really like this girl."

Lindsey and Tobin talked for a few more minutes before Tobin heard a knock on her door, "Okay, I gotta go. I think Alex is back, thanks for your help."

Tobin found it slightly weird that Alex didn't just punch in the combination since she already knows it thanks to Amy. She swung open the door, "Hey ba... Mom?"

Tobin's mom, Cindy, stood smiling in the doorway, "Oh my gosh, my babygirl!" Tobin stood frozen in place as her mom entered her dorm which thankfully was clean.

"Mom, why? What? How?" Tobin asked dumbfounded, "I could have just flown home for fall break if you wanted to see me."

Cindy happily sat on her daughter's bed, "Yeah, I know. But then my work schedule cleared up and I was wondering how you were doing so I thought why not and now I'm here until your fall break starts. Sorry I can only stay for a few days, I couldn't get that much work off!"

Letting out a sigh of relief that this wouldn't mess with her plans to go home with Alex, Tobin gave a small smile, "Well what do you want to go do cause I've already done all my homework?"

Before she could answer, Tobin's door swung open, "Hey babe, I'm back....oh." Alex quickly noticed the stranger in the room and realized from photos that it was Tobin's mom. "I'm sorry I didn't realize that your mom was in town."

"Yeah neither did I," Tobin quickly responded, "Alex, this is my mom, Cindy, and mom, this is Alex Morgan." The two exchanged a few words before Alex needed to remove herself from such an awkward situation, "Well it was nice meeting you, but I better give you guys your alone time since you're only here for a few days."

Cindy shook her head, "Oh no, dear. I wanna hear all about Tobin's friends and I need someone to be honest with me about how she is doing here. Let's all go get dinner." Alex let out of sigh of relief that she didn't pick up the "babe" that she said when she first arrived and didn't bother asking why Alex had the combination.

"Yeah let's do it. Mom, can you wait downstairs so we can both get ready?" Tobin asked politely in which Cindy left. "I am so sorry. I did not know she was coming."

Alex smiled brightly at her girlfriend and gave her a small peck, "I am overwhelmed but I love you so let's make the best of this. Are you going to tell her"

Tobin contemplated for a little before deciding, "I mean I promised you that I would tell my family about you in person and now I have the chance. I'll probably wait until after your game tomorrow to mention it, however."

"Okay, I guess you better contain yourself after I score a goal tomorrow and you can't make-out with me right after," Alex jokingly poked out knowing that her girlfriend couldn't keep her hands off.

"Hey, I'm offended. I could totallyyy contain myself, do I hear a bet?"

"Oh," Alex raised an eyebrow with a smirk, "this is 100% a bet. No touchy touchy until you tell your mom tomorrow." Alex proceeded to air draw a box around herself which made Tobin laugh but also realized that this was about to be fucking hard.

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