Chapter Three

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Chapter 3:

It was the weekend and no one had classes. The early morning came and went with very little movement on campus, just the sounds of the waves crashing could be heard.

Tobin yawned, waking herself up and saw that the time was 10:00. Rolling over burying her face in a pillow, she felt like going to bed since the first week of college wore her out. But knowing better than to just sleep the day away, Tobin finally got up. Amy was still fast asleep so Tobin was careful not to wake her as she slipped on her running shoes and a t-shirt.

Softly closing the door, Tobin prepared herself to go on a morning run cause even though she couldn't play soccer anymore, she wanted to stay fit. Heading towards the beach, she slowly fell into the rhythm of her feet hitting the concrete and hearing the ocean roar. After awhile, she began to get weary so Tobin decided to go relax on the beach to catch her breath. Sitting down on the sand, Tobin lounged back onto her elbows.

With her eyes closed, Tobin began to drift asleep in the summer sun before something landed at her feet. She opened her eyes and saw a bright orange soccer ball. Looking around and not seeing anyone initially, Tobin stood up and began to juggle the ball from foot to foot before someone called to her, "I didn't know you played soccer."

It was none other than Alex facing her with both hands on her hips.

"I was wondering where this came from," Tobin smirked before volleying the ball into Alex's hands who had a look of shock on her face, "What? Impressed by my soccer skills?"

Alex laughed and dropped the ball to her feet, "Sure lets go with that. What position were you?"

"Midfielder, now wanna tell me why you're stalking me?" Tobin joked as her and Alex were basically in a standoff as they both stood about ten feet apart from each other.

Kicking Tobin the ball, Alex shook her head, "We do go to the same school, apparently we just like the same places."

"Well," Tobin began while juggling the ball again, "we must have some similar interests so wanna go get lunch with me so we're no longer playing this cat and mouse game?"

"Okay I'm in, let me go tell Christen were I'm going and I'll be right back," Alex ran over to where Christen awaited for her to come back with the ball that she accidentally kicked way over Alex's head.

"What took you so long?" Christen asked as Alex passed her the ball back.

"Ran into a friend, do you mind if I go have lunch with her?"

Christen shrugged, "Nah I have some Chem homework to do anyways. Have fun."

"Oh I will," Alex said with a little sarcasm before jogging back over to Tobin.

"Ready to go?" Tobin asked and Alex nodded letting Tobin led the way, "So stalker girl, where are you from?"

Alex rolled her eyes, "Can't just use my name, can ya? And I'm from Cali, you?"

"New Jersey." Tobin said with a small smile. Her and Alex continued to walk towards a small cafe since the dining halls would be crowded. Tobin held the door open for Alex as they entered.

"So besides soccer, you have any other hobbies?" Tobin asked while getting in line.

"Um paddle boarding and that's about it. Soccer has really dominated my life since I was 13." Alex responded shyly falling in line behind Tobin.

"Gosh you poor child," she joked which made Alex smack her arm, "okay I've learned not to joke with you," Tobin said rubbing the spot Alex hit.

"Okay Miss New Jersey. Tell me about yourself since I didn't even know that you played soccer."

Tobin held up a finger telling Alex to wait since it was her turn to order, "Alex, what do you want?"

"Um just get me what you're getting and I can pay for myself." Alex argued holding up her credit card but Tobin shook her head and ended up paying for both.

They found a table and sat across from each other while waiting for their food. Tobin finally got a chance to look at Alex for a long period of time and she had to admit, she was gorgeous. Maybe it was the greenish-gray eyes or the way her hair fell across her shoulders, Tobin wasn't sure but she was intrigued.

"Earth to Tobin?" Alex said startling Tobin out of her stare, "You okay?"

Tobin looked into her eyes, "Yeah sorry, so you're a Cali girl? Where from Cali?"

"Diamond Bar. It's like a suburb of Los Angeles. Why did you pick a California school if you're from New Jersey?"

The waiter came and placed down their food, both thanked him quickly, "Well I was originally suppose to go to UNC on a soccer scholarship but I messed up my ankle really bad my senior year so I had to stop playing. Then I decided that I love California so why not go out to school there."

"Or is it because you wanted to stalk me?" Alex asked raising an eye brow which made Tobin throw a fry at her, "Okay fine, I'm sorry to hear about your ankle though."

Tobin shrugged and took a bite of her burger, "It's all good, I've kinda accepted it by now but the first few weeks were the hardest cause like you said all I really did was soccer."

"What do you do now?"

"I enjoy surfing so I just rented a surfboard for the year and like I can still do soccer just not competitively so if you ever need someone to serve you in balls, I'm your gal." Tobin genuinely smiled.

Alex looked up and saw that Tobin truly meant that, that it wasn't her natural banter, "I'll probably take you up on that offer at some point."

"Alex, hey!" A perky girl with freckles said walking up, pulling a chair up to their table.

"Hey Kelley," Alex smiled before gesturing to Tobin, "Tobin, this is Kelley. Kelley, this is Tobin."

"Oh you're the girl that Alex asked me about the first day here." Kelley blurted out before Alex could stop here.

Tobin smirked and let out a small laugh, "You asked about me?"

"Well-no-yes," Alex stuttered out, slightly blushing, "It was after we ran into each other outside and then later that day I saw you in the dining hall so I just asked Kelley if she knew you."

"Unless she's from New Jersey, I highly doubt she did."

Kelley shook her head, "I'm from Georgia so no we don't know each other."

The three of them continued talking for awhile, just learning small things about each other. Tobin was actually enjoying the conversation a lot before she realized something, "Wait what time is it?"

"Um 2:30. Why?" Alex asked.

"Shit, I gotta go. I promised my roommate that we would study together for calculus," Tobin said standing up in a hurry, "Oh and Alex, here's my number if you want to take me up on that offer."

Alex grabbed the small piece of number and Kelley gave her a questionable look, "Okay thanks Tobs."

Tobin turned around at the use of a new nickname, "What did you just call me?" She asked with a small smile forming on her lips.

Alex breathed in sharply wondering she overstepped, "Tobs. Are you not a fan of nicknames?"

"No I like it. See you guys later, nice meeting you, Kelley!" Tobin shouted back as she left the cafe.

"Tobs, number, offer. Catch me up, girl!" Kelley said right after the door closed behind Tobin.

Alex rolled her eyes and stood up, "Just friends, Kelley, and speaking of studying, I have to go to a Chem assignment. You coming?"

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