Chapter 1

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Cat's POV:
I was sat downstairs, it was around 10am I had literally nothing to do all day so I was just watching TV trying to think of something to do besides sitting on my arse all day. I soon thought that I could just go walk around the park, it's a nice peaceful place when there's no idiotic kids running round chasing pigeons and ducks, that really annoys me I want to go chase them and push them in the pond. Anyway I walked upstairs and got dressed I put on my black tights with my black shorts, my dark red Harry Potter top which had a black square with Harry's spirit stag and some text at the top and bottom of the image saying expecto patronum and then my black zip up hoodie. I walked downstairs and pulled on my black shoes that had a white rim around the bottom, once I laced them up and tucked the laces into the sides of my shoes I grabbed my phone and keys and walked out the door locking it behind me. I placed my keys into one of the pockets on my shorts with my phone. I turned right from the top of my driveway and carried on walking, I was about to continue walking when I thought I'd go to the nearby shop and just get a drink. I checked the road and crossed over, I continued walking in the same direction until I got to the shop, the automatic doors opened and I entered going down the aisle  where the drinks were, I glanced quickly across the drinks and just picked up a bottle of Irn-bru. It was busy as usual and I'm not that confident in speaking with people so I went to a self service checkout, I slid the bottle across the scanner and prepared my money until the voice of the machine said something about not finding a scan code or something so I kept trying, thankfully no one was behind me, I did try pressing the exit button so I could go to another checkout but it wouldn't let me exit, so I was stuck there trying to get it to work, soon out of the corner of my eye I saw someone stand behind me, I immediately started heating up and beginning to panic, I don't know why but I always do. I just kept trying to scan this stupid thing, all I wanted was some flippin' Irn-bru! After the second or third go the person behind me spoke.
"I'm guessing that one isn't working... Do you want me to try?" I recognised that voice, I slowly turned around to see someone that I didn't expect at all. Charlie Puth, no way, he couldn't be stood there I'm making this up its all in my head!
"Umm..yeah thanks" I said shakily, he just smiled at me and attempted to get the machine working.
"A-are you Charlie...Puth?" I asked I sounded so stupid how my voice was all shaky.
"Yeah" he said turning and smiling at me, omg this is true it's not my mind playing tricks! He really is there! Soon a woman wearing the shop uniform or whatever walked up to us.
"Sorry sir but this checkout isn't working there was supposed to be a notice on it" wow that's nice to know I thought
"Oh right thank you" Charlie said. He passed me my irn-bru and he grabbed his stuff and we walked over to the woman who had opened a new till. I paid for my drink, then Charlie paid for his things. I had a question that was completely baffling me and I just had to ask him before we both left.
"Charlie?" I asked my voice still quiet
"Yeah" he replied
"How come I've never seen you here before?" I asked
"Well I don't normally come here" he said
"Oh right" I replied
"Could I get a autograph?" This was what all fans want I would ask for a photo but I don't want him to see my shit phone, I don't really know why I'm acting like this but I just am and I can't help it.
"Yeah sure. You got a pen or paper?"
"Umm no" why didn't I think of this before asking him!
"It's alright" he said he turned to the woman at the till and asked her for a pen she handed him a black pen it was a thick pen a bit like a sharpie but not a marker.
"Do you mind?" He asked me opening the pen and grabbing my hand.
"Sure" I was so heated inside, I then felt the pen on the palm of my hand, soon he pulled the pen away closed it and handed it back to the woman. He then smiled at me causing me to go red and smile back.
"I'll see you round then?" He said before turning away and walking in the opposite direction to me, I turned away down the road and quietly screamed to myself. As I walked down the road I looked at the palm of my hand quite confused to not see a signature but a small sentence I read it out quietly.
10 mins
Oh my god he wants to meet me! This isn't happening, I was in so much shock my legs were just taking me down the road quicker.
Eventually I reached the park and I walked over to the small playground, I know it's for kids but I just like the swings, even though my feet touch the floor, but I don't mind. I waited there about 10 or 15 minutes until I saw Charlie walking down the path towards me, at the side of me a kid was trying to get on the swing.
"Excuse me" I said the kid just looked at me puzzled "I'm saving this for someone" the kid just ran off as if i was gonna murder her so I just shrugged my shoulders looked up again and saw Charlie walking towards the swing, he turned around to sit on it.
"Hi" he said with a big smile on his face, he's so adorable
"Hi" I replied, I didn't feel as awkward now for some reason.
"Hey I didn't manage to catch your name earlier"
"It's Cat" I told him
"That's an unusual name" he said
"Well it's my nickname I hate anyone calling me by my proper name"
"And what is your proper name?" He asked
"Well I think it's nice, both Cat and Catherine are nice, but don't worry I'll call you Cat"he smiled and I smiled back at him.  We sat in silence for a moment it was awkward lots of thoughts were rushing through my head. Then without thinking I just opened up and said.
"Sorry this is kinda awkward I'm not good in conversations, I understand if you wanna leave"
"It's fine and I don't wanna leave" I was surprised by his reaction, he wanted to stay with me.
"So do you wanna walk a bit?" He asked I nodded and we both got up from the swings and walked across the field of the park and down a hill nearby the duck pond.
"So do you have any pets?" He asked me, we were literally talking about anything.
"I used to I don't really anymore they're all at my parents house.
"Oh right so you still see them?" He questioned and I nodded.
"That's good then" he replied, he was about to ask me something when I noticed three young kids chasing ducks and trying to catch one and separate it from the others. This annoyed me so much that I just ran up to the kids leaving Charlie, I reached the kids and shouted at them "OI! Stop that you little rats!" They started swearing at me and telling me to mind my own business, kids these days, I grabbed one of them by the arm and he was trying to get out of my grip and I said to all of them "do you wanna go in the pond?" I asked a stern look on my face as I held the boy infront of the pond. They all shook their heads and I swung the boy back to the others and they ran off, that felt good.i then realised what I did, I left Charlie behind, he was laughing as he walked up to me, his laugh is just adorable.
"What?" I asked
"You, when you were shouting at those kids and threatening to chuck them in the pond" he said still laughing
"Threatening? Trust me I would've thrown them in the pond I've seen them for years doing this and eventually I've managed to be brave enough to get them".Charlie was still laughing a bit then he was just smiling at the floor then I felt him look at me. We walked across the bridge and walked to a big fallen tree and sat on it, it was a fairly secluded place as the pond was surrounding it.
"What were you gonna say earlier before I went after those kids?" I asked him
"Oh.. Umm" he said he seemed a little uneasy, he went a little red, not a lot just a little. "Would you like to meet up again sometime I've really liked being with you today"
"Sure, I've really liked it too" I didn't feel awkward or anything around Charlie anymore, just natural as if he was a friend.
"You seem much more confident now" he said smiling at me
"Yeah it's just a first, once people get to know me I'm more bubbly and easier to talk to"
"Ok, so where do you wanna meet up next time?" He asked
"I dunno, here?" I questioned
"Sure" we were both looking at eachother in some type of trance, we were both locked on eachother, it was amazing I've never felt like this with anyone before. Then I needed to ask something.
"This might seem a little rushed but I just wanna know where I am? Am I friend or just a fan?"
"I'd say I friend more than just a fan, I know it's been about an hour but I feel like I know you even though I don't really, I only know your name"
"Well I know about you" I said as we both laughed.
"But really tell me something about you" he said
"Well you know my real name, but I'm 22 my birthday is in June, I love horses and other animals and I'm awkward as, unless I'm a friend, but relationships, I'm really awkward and I just fear the unknown I guess"
"Well don't worry, don't fear anything coz I'll be here" he said we both smiled.

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