Chapter 4

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Charlie's POV:
It's been 2 weeks now, I've been hanging out with Cat at every available moment. Just one thing keeps going through my mind, those scars on her left arm, I've seen them a couple of times now, I don't know whether to mention it to her or carry on as normal, maybe she will tell me herself when the time is right? I really don't know but it just keeps going through my mind. I sat on the sofa, I thought I'd go see Cat today, maybe I might mention that I've seen her scars maybe I won't I'm not sure. I grabbed my phone and began texting.
Me- hey Cat do you wanna meet up today? I could come over to yours if you like?
It didn't take that long before Cat replied back.
Cat😋- hey sure come over whenever you like  😊
Me- ok
I put my phone back in my pocket and grabbed my keys to go over to Cat's place, I locked the house and got in my car, I couldn't be bothered walking so I thought I'd drive.

Cat's POV:
It wasn't long before Charlie arrived, he knocked on the door.
"It's open" I called and he opened the door taking his shoes off then walking into the living room where I was.
"Hey" I said
"Hi" Charlie said smiling and sitting next to me.
"How are you?" Charlie asked, he's been asking me this a lot lately he never did at first but now he seems a bit protective I'm not sure why.
"I'm fine, why shouldn't I be?" I asked very confused
"No reason just wanted to know you're ok" he said a small smile on his face as he looked at me.
"Okaay??" I said as if it was a question, he just sat there still smiling
"So do you want to do anything today?"  He asked
"I don't really feel like going out so do you wanna stay here and watch a film?" I asked
"Uh...yeah sure" Charlie replied nodding
"Ok what sort of film do you like?" I asked as I got off the sofa to look through the films, I sat on the floor infront of the dvd cupboard and began to search for a film.
"Anything really depends what you've got" he said
"I know!" I said pulling out a dvd, the hunger games then I also saw the hunger games catching fire.
"I want to get the third one but I'm waiting till part two comes out so I can buy both parts together" I explained, passing Charlie the DVDs.
"Wait, I've heard of these just I've never watched them" he said I sat on the floor infront of him with my mouth open in shock.
"You haven't watched them?!" I asked in a strange deep sort of tone.
"No" he said, I then took the DVDs off him and opened up the first one and put it in the DVD player placing the case and the second dvd on top of the DVD player.
"We will watch both of them then" I said smiling walking back over to Charlie.
"Uh ok" Charlie said as I sat down next to him.
"Be prepared for 4 hours of the hunger games!" I said happily looking at Charlie's stunned face.
"WHAT?!" He questioned his voice rather loud and high pitched
"Four hours of the hunger games, this film is two hours and so is the next one, In fact all the films are" I said laughing as Charlie made a deep sigh then looked back at the tv.
The adverts before the film began and I skipped through them bringing us to the main menu, just before I pressed play i thought.
"Wait, I need food!" I said jumping off the sofa, just before I ran out the living room I turned around and said to Charlie
"Do you want anything?"
"Umm  yeah ok"
"Alright I have some sweets left in the cupboard I'll bring them" I explained Charlie nodded and I rushed off to get them, I came back in with tonnes of sweets, they wouldn't fit in my hand so I had to put them in a bowl, I walked back in with the bowl and put them between me and Charlie.
"I thought you said you had a few" he said laughing a little
"Well I have more than I thought ok" I said giving a sarcastic look. I picked the remote up and pressed play, I began to eat some of the sweets as did Charlie. The film began and coz I knew that the film started with Prim's scream I was prepared for it unlike Charlie, so Prim's scream scared the life out of him.
"HOLY SHIT!" He said giving a big sigh afterwards. I just laughed at him
"Shut up you, I didn't know that was gonna happe-" I cut him short by shush-ing him and glueing my eyes back to the tv screen, I just heard Charlie faintly  laugh.

We had watched quite a lot of the film and Charlie seemed to be enjoying it so far, then we got to a sad point, Rue. We were at the point where Katniss is running towards Rue's screams.
"Oh no this is sad" I said my hands over my mouth, ive never cried at this I just find it sad. Charlie looked at me.
"Do you want me to hold your hand?" He said jokingly
"It's more like do you want me to hold your hand" I said with a small laugh at the end of my sentence, Charlie just laughed. Then it happened, Rue died we were both sat completely silent right up till Katniss walked away from Rue after surrounding her with flowers. I looked at Charlie to see him staring wide eyed at the tv.
"Are you okay?" I said sarcastically
"Yeah, that was actually quite sad" he said looking at me, he genuinely looked upset, not in a way where he was gonna cry but just sad. He looked back at the screen, Katniss was making the hunger games sign with her hand.
"What does that mean? And why are they copying her?"Charlie said as he watched all the people in district 11 copy Katniss.
"Well that means 'may the odds be ever in your favour' and they are copying her because that is the district Rue came from and they're starting to rebell against the Capitol" I explained
"Oh I get it" Charlie said looking back at the screen. We watched the rest of the film intently and then once that finished I swapped the films over.

Charlie's POV:
The hunger games is quite a good film, I'll admit it's cool. The film finished and Cat went to go swap the films over.
"You ready for the second one?" She asked me smiling as she came back to sit next to me, I nodded, her smile is so beautiful, like her. She's so beautiful, I think I might have feelings for her, but I can't this is crazy, but being friends with her just doesn't seem enough. As she came and sat next to me I noticed her arm again, I need to say something, but maybe not today she seems so happy, I'll bring it up when the times right. I focused on the new hunger games film, catching fire I think Cat said it was, to be honest it seems the same but just different characters are added to it.
"This one doesn't start with screaming again does it?" I asked Cat jokingly.
"No" she said laughing
"Good, is this kind of the same just different people then?" She looked at me in an odd way.
"No, you have so much to learn" she said shaking her head
"Tell me then" I said
"No you'll find out when you watch it" she said pointing at the screen.
"Please just tell me" she gave in, paused the film and started to explain.
"This film is different because the arena is completely different" I cut her off by asking what the arena was.
"It's where they fight" she said
"Oh" I let her continue her explanation
"Anyway the arena is different and this is the 75th quarter quell"
"75th?? They've had a hunger games for 75 years?!" I asked a bit surprised at the number
"Yeah and this is the quarter quell so they bring back all the winners that are still living" she said I nodded my head and Cat pressed play on the film and we began to watch.
Once the film finished I thought I'd ask Cat if she wanted to come over to mine, we have been here pretty much all day and a change of scenery would be good.
"Do you wanna come over mine? A change of view?" I asked her
"Ugh your house" she said jokingly and we both laughed "sure" we stood up and put our shoes on and I drove us both back to my place, we got out of the car and walked up to my front door, I unlocked it and we both walked in, we took our shoes off and sat on the sofa.
"Xbox?" I asked her
"Ok even though I beat you at anything" she said I just laughed, I turned the  Xbox on and we played almost every games I had, it must've been hours.

Cat's POV:
I turned on my phone and saw that it was 9:57pm, what the hell its that late already!?
"Charlie I gotta go, it's almost 10!" He was just as surprised as I was
"What really?" He said also checking his phone.
"Yeah I gotta get home"
"Couldn't you stay? I mean it's really dark out there? He's so sweet
"Are you sure?" I asked he nodded smiling at me
"Yeah it's fine"
"Shit! I don't have nothing as pyjamas" I said this is gonna work isn't it I thought sarcastically.
"Just use of my my tops I'm sure they'll fit you" Charlie said as he went upstairs and got one of his t shirts. He came downstairs with a plain grey top with short sleeves.
"Thanks" I said walking past him and going upstairs to the bathroom to put it on. It covered me right down to mid thigh, it's coz I'm so small. It smelled a bit like Charlie which I'll admit I liked that and it was also really comfortable. I walked downstairs to see Charlie staring at me, I'm surprised his mouth wasn't open the way he was looking at me.
"Stop staring at me" I said he was still looking at me
"Sorry" he said shaking his head and actually making eye contact with me. Then Charlie changed to his 'pyjamas' aka no shirt and some trackies he looked gorgeous, The rest of the evening was just me and Charlie sat watching tv then when suddenly I felt my eyes close and I soon drifted off to sleep, Charlie had already fallen sleep at this point so I fell asleep, as I did I slowly ended up falling into Charlie so I was layed with my head on his chest.

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