Chapter 2

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Cat's POV:
I woke up to the bright sunlight in my eyes, I rubbed my tired face and walked downstairs, got some breakfast and sat watching the TV. Minutes turned to hours and soon I realised that I was gonna meet Charlie, we decided to meet at the fallen tree at 11am  it was now 10:30am and it took 10 minutes to walk to the fallen tree so I turned the TV off and went upstairs. I got out a white crop top which had monkey emojis all over it, my light blue ripped skinny jeans and my white converse. Once I was dressed I grabbed a bobble and eventually tied my long mousey brown hair into a high ponytail, I got my phone and walked down the stairs to the kitchen, picked up my keys and walked out the door locking it. I walked down the street at a fast pace as it was now 10:50am.
When I reached the park i walked across the fields and down the hill to find no one chasing ducks, good. I carried on walking still rather quick, I had a stitch now but that didn't stop me. I checked my phone to see it was  11am oh god he's probably already there, I thought, I crossed the bridge and walked towards the fallen tree to see Charlie sat there.

Charlie's POV:
I was sat on the fallen tree waiting for Cat to come and meet me, I really like her, I haven't known her that long just something about her seems special.
"Hey you" I heard a voice behind me, I turned to see Cat she looked amazing, even though it was her casual wear she looked really pretty.
"Hey, you look nice" I said, she smiled at me.
"Thank you" she said flipping her hair and putting the top of her hand against the bottom of her chin and making a weird smile. I just laughed.
"So what do you want to do today?" She asked, I hadn't really thought this through, all I thought is that I wanted to see her again.
"Not sure. What about you?" I asked her hoping she would have some idea.
"I dunno do you wanna just chill here?"
"Yeah ok" I said as a patted at the side of the tree next to me. Cat jumped up and sat beside me, I didn't really know what to do, do I put my arm around her, do I just sit there? I just didn't know, I decided to go for, just sit there. We sat for a few minutes and it was really quiet and just such a nice moment.
"Do you wanna go for a walk around the park? I know somewhere really nice to go" she said smiling at me.
"Ok sure, lead the way" we jumped off the tree and walked across the bridge and I followed her along the concrete path. "Hey Charlie"
"Yeah" I replied, Cat had ran ahead a bit so I jogged to catch up to her.
"What is it?"
"Here's the place I was on about" she said, behind her was a big willow tree with its thin branches and many leaves draping low almost touching the ground.
"This is really nice" I said staring at the tree then looking back at Cat.
"Come on then" she said walking towards the tree, I followed her and she placed her hands on either side of the tree.
"Gimme a boost" she said, I picked up one of her feet and pushed her up into the tree.
"Come on then" she said reaching her hand out to me as I attempted to climb the tree, she took my hand and pulled me up into the tree where we were hidden from sight.
"This is so cool up here Cat" she went red and smiled
"I used to come here with my friends as a kid, it was really cool, we had to prop our bikes against the tree to be able to get up" she said laughing a bit.
"Sounds like a good childhood" I said
"Yeah it was, except being a third wheel in everything" she said her smile fading as she looked down to the ground.
"What do you mean?" I asked her trying to make eye contact
"As a kid from primary school up to high school I was a third wheel in everything, left out a lot and it was just shit" she said, she looked at me now, I saw the pain in her eyes, "but that doesn't matter that was the past I'm ok now" she said giving a very weak smile and then turning away and the smile fading instantly. I could tell she wasn't ok.
"You're not ok are you?" I asked she looked at me and her eyes were filling up with tears.
"No not really, but it was the past" she said, the tears starting to roll down her face as she wiped them away another fell.
"Come here" I said opening my arms to her as she leaned forwards and embraced in the hug.
"You'll be ok now" I told her "I won't leave you out...I am a friend right?" I asked jokingly and she laughed a bit. Once her tears disappeared she pulled away from the hug.
"I'm so sorry" She said
"Don't be" I said giving her a comforting smile.

Cat's POV:
I can't believe that just happened, Charlie was very comforting though.
"Can we forget that happened?" I asked him, I really didn't expect that to happen.
"If you want" he said smiling.
"Thanks lets go walk around" I said as we both jumped down from the tree. We walked around the park and then I thought of an idea that would be kinda fun.
"Hey Charlie betcha can't find me!"
"Umm ok go on then" he said turning away to face a nearby tree, later he shouted
"Ok I'm coming  now!"

Charlie's POV:
"Ok I'm coming now!" I shouted as I turned around and glanced across the field to see if I could spot her, no. I walked towards the fallen tree, she wasn't anywhere, I walked away from the tree and searched my surroundings and I couldn't find her, I walked across the bridge and looked around the trees and up by the willow tree. I still couldn't spot her where had she gone?
"Cat gimme a clue? I can't find you anywhere!" I called out
"Look amongst the trees before you get to the willow tree"
I walked back from the willow tree and saw a smallish group of trees, I walked through them until I saw the same path from the bridge ahead of me, I got towards the last couple of trees and inspected them closely until I looked at the last tree and saw Cat.
"Found you" I said as we both laughed
"You took ages" she said "you past me twice" she said still laughing.
"Really" I said how could I miss her, honestly.
"It's nice here, come join me" she said, I walked towards her so that we were both under the trees shelter.
"Well that was fun" she said I agreed smiling and nodded my head.

Cat's POV:
Charlie was stood infront of me, the sunlight was faintly shining through the tree in between the leaves giving a light glow around Charlie.
"What time is it?" I asked myself quietly while checking my phone
"God it's 3pm!" I said in shock
"Already?!" Charlie said seeming as surprised as I am.
"Yeah" I said I didn't want to leave but I know eventually we would have to go
"We don't have to leave quite yet do we?" Charlie asked as he walked a little closer to me
"No, I can stay out forever if you want me to" I said leaning my back against the tree.
"That's good" he said walking towards me again, our eyes were completely locked on eachother, we were not breaking the strong eye contact between us. I then felt Charlie lean closer towards me, I wasn't sure if I should move or not, I stayed still and I felt his lips meet mine and one of his hands went on my cheek. I felt major fireworks and butterflies at the same time. Then Charlie pulled away quickly.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry" he said turning away and walking in circles
"Don't worry it's fine" I said trying to make him feel better
"No this is gonna be more than friendship and you said yourself you're scared of the unknown in relationships" he's right but this felt like it was meant to be
"Yeah I did say that but you said don't worry don't be scared I'll be here" he looked at me in a way I wasn't sure of
"You're right I did say that.... I like you Cat you're special, when I first met you I knew you weren't just gonna be any other fan"
"Well I really like you too Charlie" Charlie smile to himself which made me smile.
"So what does this mean? Are we still friends or are we together?" He asked
"Let's just carry on as friends and see where life takes us?" I said,Charlie nodded, we don't want to rush into anything so this would be for the best until we both agree it's time.

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