Chapter 11

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Charlie's POV:
*2 days later*
Theses last two days I have been with Cat I didn't want her to do anything like what she did again, it killed me inside that day, atleast now she has promised to not do that again. As long as those dickheads aren't around she will be ok.
Cat's POV:
I walked outside as I was going over to Charlie's, he said he would come and pick me up but I said I'd rather walk, the fresh air would do me good. I got outside my house locked the door and set off to Charlie's house.
*15 mins later*
I was walking down the road which was about 5 minutes away from Charlie's. As I walked I felt a stare, not sure where from but I felt a very strong stare from behind me, I didn't want to look behind but I needed to, I was too scared so I walked faster, and faster till I was almost jogging. Then I heard a voice which made fear rush through my body as I didn't recognise the voice.
"OI is that Cat?" I felt so terrified,
"Yeah it is"
"HEY CAT!" I felt so scared, it was probably Lexi or Jade, or maybe Max or Danny from my high school. I slowly turned around and saw neither of the people I thought it could be, I saw two guys I thought I knew.
"Cat, it's you, guess your boyfriend, oops I mean 'friend' isn't here is he?" Then it dawned on me, it was Luke and Aaron, holy shit i needed to run but was frozen with shock.
"Luke? Aaron? What do you want?" They now started walking towards me, I started to get squashed against the wall, fear and adrenalin was rushing around my body.
"Awh bless she remembers us Aaron" Luke said staring at me with an evil grin on his face, I tried to get away but he grabbed my arm, I kicked him away and also Aaron when he tried to grab me, I ran as fast as I could tears already filling up my eyes, they began to fall, a mixture of emotions really.  I ran around the corner and pulled out my phone and scrolled to my contacts, I ran down the road and called Charlie on my phone, I looked quickly behind me and saw Aaron and Luke running after me, they were getting close and I was tiring, my phone rang...and rang...and rang...eventually he answered the phone.
"Hi...Charlie help" I said I was panting from running which made me speak slower.
"Cat?! What's up?!" He was worried I could tell his voice changed.
" Aaron....and Luke....they're after me"
"What?! Where are you?"
"I'm down two streets"
"I'm on my way!" He ended the call and I was slowing down, my legs couldn't carry me at such a pace anymore, I couldn't speed up all I could do was slow down. I was slowing down and almost walking, my breaths getting quicker and I was soon hyperventilating  from the fear of what would happen. I heard them behind me, their voices getting louder and louder as they got closer and closer. I was walking now, almost passing out from hyperventilating and panicking from fear. I had to stop, I couldn't breathe.
"Aww poor girl she's tired and panicky"
"We better stay with her" Aaron and Luke said looking at eachother then me, everything was fading and I felt two arms grabbing me and pulling me away, I was fighting to stay awake to get away. Then I heard a voice.
"Fuck off you bastards!" It was Charlie he got here in time thank god, they let go of me and I fell back against the wall. I saw Aaron swing his fist at Charlie and then Charlie then Luke repeating and fighting eachother, eventually Luke and Aaron were moved away.
"Come on Aaron, there's no point fighting over her, she's a fucking stupid bitch look at her, complete panicky, self harming fucking bitch" Luke spat, I could only just make out their words.
"Fuck this shit then" Aaron said as they walked away.
"Go! And don't ever call her a fucking panicky, self harming bitch you bastards!" I saw Charlie turn around to me and then it all went black, I fainted and fell to the floor.

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