Chapter 10

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Charlie's POV:
It was about 7pm and I was still at Cat's house, she got really upset when I found her, I was now sat next to her on the sofa and I just needed to know how long this had been happening.
"Cat?" I asked her
"Yeah" she replied
"Can I see your arm?" Her expression changed immediately and she slowly pulled up her sleeve revealing her pale arm which had numerous scars and also numerous fresher cuts. It made me upset for her.
"How long has this been going on?" I asked
"Pretty much since, y'know, that thing that happened with those guys" she said almost breaking down as she spoke.
"Oh. Well there's something we have to do" I said going upstairs, Cat followed me curiously, I walked into her room and I remembered where she put her blades so I picked them up, there were two.
"Charlie what are you doing?" She said, her voice stern and worried at the same time.
"Something that needs to be done" I told her as I walked to the bathroom and tossed the blades into the toilet.
"Charlie no! Don't you dare!" Cat shouted as she glared at me. I reached my arm out to flush them away.
"I have to Cat" I told her, she was breaking down and it was killing me but I had to do this.
"CHARLIE NO!" She shouted trying to grab my arm but I pushed her back and flushed the toilet sending the small blades away out of sight.
"NO! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT CHARLIE!" She said tears falling down her face flood by flood, she fell to her knees and cried her eyes out, I knelt down to her level.
"Cat I'm sorry but it had to be done"
"I know but you don't understand what they were to me, not just blades, they were the things that kept me in control of myself"
"Well I'm here" I said "don't be in pain, share it with me and tell me, cry to me, shout at me, anything just I don't want you doing that again ok?"
"Ok" she replied, her tears still falling but at a slower pace, I hugged her pulling her into my arms, her arms wrapping around me squeezing me tightly, I did the same back, she needed this hug I could tell. She pulled away and I kept my hands on her shoulders.

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