Chapter 13

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*next day*
Cat's POV:
I woke up the next day in a warm cozy bed, an arm around my waist, I felt so secure I began to smile as I turned over and saw Charlie's gorgeous face looking back at me, he looked like he had only just woke up but he still looked beautiful.
"Hey Cat" Charlie said winking at me, hes so flirty.
"Charlie" I said lightly punching his shoulder jokingly. Charlie looked deeply into my eyes and I looked into his moving a piece of hair out of my face.
"Come on Missy, I have something planned for us later" he said getting out of bed and walking towards me, he held his hand out.
"What do you mean Charlie?" I asked
"It's a surprise, I'm sure you'll love it" he smiled taking my hand pulling me up.
We went downstairs and had breakfast, afterwards we were going upstairs to get ready for what Charlie had "planned", it was now 1:34pm.
"Cat, make sure you look, nice today not that you don't everyday" he said grabbing my wrists and pulling me towards him kissing me on my cheek multiple times.
"Charlie what do you mean?" I said smiling as he kissed my cheek.
"Just make yourself pretty, gorgeous" still confused I went upstairs and began to get ready, minimal makeup as I do, black ripped jeans and band top (P!ATD) with my black boots, legit my fave clothes, I then put my hair in a messy bun. Once we were both ready to go it was about 2:16pm. "Charlie you coming?" I called to him as I stood by the door.
"Yeah I'm coming" he soon came through and we locked the house before getting into his car and driving away.
"Can you tell me where we're going now?"
"In a bit just not quite yet" he said smiling, I'm so confused what's happening?
It was another half an hour until we parked up and Charlie looked at me.
"Would you like to know now?" He asked
"Yes please tell me" I said turning to face Charlie.
"Okay, I didn't tell you about this before because well I don't know I just wanted to make it special"
"Come on don't go all round the houses, get to it, I can't wait any longer!" I said with excitement
"Okay okay" he said laughing a little "well today we are going to a fan meet up!"
"What!?" I was so excited but also confused "why? I mean I'm excited but why would you bring me"
"You're so special and I want you to be with me, you'll understand" I was still so confused but I just followed Charlie. We walked towards a huge crowd of people, there were loads of people. They were all looking at us and I stopped immediately. Charlie turned around looking at me confused and worried.
"What's up Cat"
"I-I didn't think this would happen, I feel so anxious... There so many people, I can't I just can't" I began, I soon started hyperventilating.
"Cat, Cat calm down" he said putting his hands on my shoulders "breathe Cat'll be fine, they're all lovely people, I mean you should know, once upon a time you were a fan, remember when we met?" I nodded and then I started to regain control of my breathing. "Okay...I'm okay let's do this, I'm glad I didn't start crying" he smiled saying "you would t I know you, you're the strongest person I know Cat" Charlie hugged me and we began to walk towards the crowd of fans, I could hear them all whispering stuff like 'is that his girlfriend?' Then another voice saying 'no he would've told us wouldn't he?' Charlie stood infront of them all and examined who I was and that I was also once a fan and that I have become a great friend of his just from meeting in the shop that one day. After speaking to his fans for about 30mins and taking photos and signing things for them he said it was time he had to leave, but he told them he had one thing left to do. "Cat" he said taking my hand bringing me in line with him.
"Ive known you for a while now and I need to ask you something"
"What? Charlie what are you doing?" He was confusing me so much and all the fans, also my anxiety was picking up again but I had a bit of control on it luckily.
"Cat we have had a funny friendship I guess you could say and I have been thinking about what I'm about to do and I've decided that it's the right thing, will you be my girlfriend?" I was so shocked, the fans were all looking at us and gasping.
"Charlie! You really know how to make a surprise don't you?... Of course I'll be your girlfriend you idiot!" I said running to his arms we were both smiling and we were so happy also with all the fans, within a couple of minutes #Catlie was trading on Twitter and Instagram, this is so insane!

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