Chapter 8

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Cat's POV:
I sat in the car and looked at my house then looked back inside my car down at the floor.
"Are you okay Cat?" Charlie said looking at me with sympathy
"No, I'm terrified" I said my eyes watering up again
"Tell me" he said
"It's just making me paranoid now, because of what they did being alone will just remind me of it, I don't know if I'll ever forget it" I said a tear started falling.
"Cat don't worry they won't get you, they can't touch you, I won't let them. Umm do you want to stay at mine? You won't be alone that way?"
"Thanks Charlie" I said my tears fading and I smiled weakly."no probs do you wanna grab some clothes or something?"
"Yeah ok, will you come with me?" Charlie nodded and I got out the car and we walked into my house and went upstairs into my room, I grabbed my black hoodie, it was my favourite, a beam I top and my denim ripped jeans and a few extra things that were needed like my hair brush etc... We walked back down stairs locked my house and got in the car to go to Charlie's.
We pulled up outside Charlie's house and got out the car I grabbed my bag with my things in and walked into the house.
"Do you wanna get changed in my room if you like and I'll wait down here?" Charlie asked I nodded and walked upstairs into his room, I searched through my bag when it dawned on me that because I wasn't thinking straight I forgot pyjamas, I'm such a stupid idiot. I wasn't undressed or anything so I walked halfway downstairs and called out to Charlie.
"Yeah you ok Cat?"
"Yeah I'm fine but I stupidly forgot my pyjamas"
"Oh umm just grab a top from my wardrobe I don't mind which"
"Thanks" I walked back into his room and looked for a good looking top to wear, I found a black one that looked a bit mottled with white. I put my clothes in my bag and walked back down stairs. I walked into the kitchen where Charlie was making us both hot chocolates, I walked up to him and he turned to face me and I hugged him tightly, he seemed a bit shocked at first then hugged me back, his hug was warm and made me feel safe and secure. I pulled away from the hug and just left my hands on Charlie's shoulders.
"What was that for?" He asked
"I just wanna say thanks because you've been so good to me and I don't know what I'd do without you"
"Thanks Cat" we grabbed our drinks and sat down at watched to I was sat next to Charlie and I was snuggled into him and we were there for a few hours taking us to 11:00pm.

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