Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Selena's POV

Two Months Ago

What we were doing was wrong. It was wrong on so many levels. 

Did I really just agree to be my best friend's brother's girlfriend?

Even though we both promised her we'd never get romantically involved?

But I couldn't fight it.

Not anymore. I'd been trying to for months.

He was irresistible.

And he felt the same way.

She was his stepsister since ten years ago yet they were closer than most siblings, despite not being related by blood.

She's been my best friend since I could remember.

We tried to fight it, but we couldn't anymore. 

Our feelings were too strong. 

That's why we decided we were willing to risk having a relationship with each other, one that would be kept hidden.

He was nineteen, a year older and in his first year of college while I was still a senior in high school. 

We've been friends ever since his mom got involved with Taylor's dad. 

Was I really doing this? 

I looked at him asleep next to me and a small smile spread across my face.

Yes I was.

Present Time

"Hey babygirl." Justin pecked my lips when I opened my door.

"Hey." I blushed at the nickname.

"So Tay's at what club until when?" He asked again.

"Photography club until five. They're taking pictures of some landscape near the lake. She'll be here around half five." I informed.

"She's in too many clubs for me to keep up with." He defended his lack of knowledge and I nodded in agreement.

Taylor was one of those people who was incredibly gifted in all areas, except sport. 

She had an after school activity everyday from Monday to Friday.

She had tried to get me to join all her clubs with her a long time ago but they weren't for me.

Example photography, I got bored quite easily. I loved seeing the stuff but I just don't care about the angle and all that.

"So what do you want to do?" I questioned, hopping up on the counter as he raided my kitchen. 

"I dunno. I just came to spend time with you." He charmed as he pulled out a bag of chocolates.

He looked at me and a laugh escaped probably at how red I was. 

"You're so cute when you blush." He said popping a chocolate in his mouth which only made me blush more.

"I can't help it! Not when you say stuff like that!" I defended, placing my hands on my cheeks.

"No stop, I like seeing you blush." He came over pulling my hands away from my face while laughing at me, his laugh making me laugh.

He leaned up to kiss me and we both smiled into the kiss.

I loved moments like these.

I pulled away and leaned my forehead against his.

"You taste yummy." I said, referring to the lingering taste of chocolate.

He raised his eyebrow at me, a smirk playing on his lips. "Replay that sentence in your head."

I did and my eyes widened in realization.

"I didn't mean it like that!" I blurted mortified as my blush came back.

That only made him laugh louder. "I'm sure you didn't." 

"Shut up." I whined, pouting.

He opened his mouth to retaliate but my phone went off with Taylor's ringtone.

I instantly grabbed it, Justin staring at me wordlessly as I answered.

"Hello?" I greeted.

"Hey Sel, do you mind if I come over early? The rain is falling so we can't do anything..." She trailed off.

"Yeah sure that's no problem." I lied. "When now?"

"Uh yeah. I'm around fifteen minutes from your house. Ten if the light changes fast."

"Okay, see you soon, bye." I rushed out.

"Later Sel."

I looked at Justin. "She's on her way now. She's like ten minutes away, fifteen for the most."

"Shit." He swore.

"Test me when she leaves yeah?"

I nodded and he kissed me goodbye before grabbing his keys and running out the front door.

"Hi Mandy, bye Mandy." I heard him call.

My mom walked into the kitchen, a faint smile on her face. 

"I take it Taylor's on her way?" 


"And you didn't plan for her to come 'round so early?"


"I swear, it's a wonder she hasn't caught you two yet." She shook her head laughing.

"Don't jinx it mom!"

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry!"

"I'm gonna watch TV until she gets here." I told her walking out of the kitchen.

Thank God my mom understands me.

When she found out about Justin and I, she just smiled and said she always knew we'd end up together.

She helps us keep the secret from Taylor because she knows our situation.

We just need to make sure that this relationship isn't just a fling before we risk everything by telling her. Although I highly doubt it is.






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