Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Selena's POV

Not in the mood for a confrontation, I excused myself and escaped to the bathroom.

Justin would get rid of her. I hope.

The door opened and I turned my head to see Taylor walk in slowly then she locked the door behind her.

Was that even allowed?

"Hey." She greeted quietly.

"Hi." Well this is awkward.

"Can we talk?" She asked cautiously.

"I have nothing to say to you." I said honestly but in a clipped tone.

"Well then just listen." She pleaded.

I wanted to say no. I mean she didn't listen to me or Justin. Maybe I should return the favor.

And if it was anyone else I would have ignored them.

But this was Taylor.

The girl I've been calling my best friend - no, my sister - since forever.

It had only been a day but I was already missing her. 

It was one of the main reasons we never fought. We couldn't live in peace while we were at war.

I gestured for her to go on. I was listening.

"I thought about it, after I calmed down. You know, everything you and Justin told me that night. I figured it'd only be fair for me to explain myself, explain why I reacted the way I did."

I leaned back against the wall, crossing my arms across my chest. 

"I really felt for her. I know exactly what she's going through. It's how I felt with him. Unrequited love...I think it's the most painful thing. To know the person you'd give anything and everything for doesn't feel the same way. It's horrible. They say that your first love, you'll always love that person. I mean I'm with Adam now and he keeps me so happy but every so often I can't help but think about him. I can't help but miss him. I wonder if he ever thinks about me, if he ever regretted his decision, if he ever felt anything for me. I wonder if he feels the way I do about him about someone else. It's a kind of pain that tears you apart and there's nothing you can do because no matter how hard you try to forget that person, he's always there. He has a place in your heart. It destroys you."

She never opened up to me this much about him. It was always a touchy subject. My heart went out for her. I couldn't imagine what I would do if Justin didn't love me. If he loved someone else...

"That's why I wanted Meghan to be with Justin. I wanted to help stop that pain. I figured that you two were just infatuated with each other. I mean his reputation did have something to do with it because I never want to see you get your heart broken but it was mainly that. I figured I could get you two to break up before it became something more. I didn't realize it already had. I didn't realize that you really were in love. I guess I didn't really listen to what you were saying and Selena I'm so sorry for everything I said. You and Justin love each other. You make each other happy and that's all I want. And this is going to sound really pathetic since it's only been less than a day but I miss you. Do you realize today was the longest we ever went without really talking to each other? You're my best friend and so much more and I really really don't want to lose you so will you please forgive me? Please?"

She was almost crying.

"Of course I do. And I'm just as pathetic because I missed you too." I laughed a little.

She opened her arms and we hugged each other tightly.

"Are we okay?"

"We're great. As long as you're okay with me and Justin because Taylor, I really do love him."

"I know."

"Come on, let's go back out before some random person decides we've been making out in here." I told her.

But maybe it would have been better if we stayed.

I froze in my spot, my eyes memorizing the scene before me.

Meghan was seated on Justin's lap, her hands caressing his face while he held on to her hips as they kissed. 

Pattie was staring with her mouth dropped and her eyes wide in shock. Jeremy was no where in sight.

Fuck. Maybe Taylor was right about his reputation after all.

My vision became blurred as the tears filled my eyes before they cascaded down my cheeks but I couldn't move. I was suddenly numb.

I saw Taylor march over to them and pull Meghan off him then she slapped her, her hand leaving a bright red mark on her left cheek. 

She was yelling at them but I couldn't hear what she was saying. The words weren't registering.

It felt as if everything slowed down. I saw Justin's head turn to face me and his eyes connected with mine. 

That's when everything hit me full force.

I turned on my heel and headed to the entrance, hearing Taylor and Justin both shout after me.

I picked up my pace and began running. To where, I didn't know. I did know that I needed to get away from here - from him.

I didn't get very far though because it felt as if my lungs were filling with water and I couldn't breathe.

I sunk to the ground and my knees up to my chest and covered my face as the sobs took over.

How could he do that to me?

I felt arms encircle me and I leaned into Taylor as my body began to shook.

He said he loved me...

Was that just a lie?

The promise ring, the forever and was all a lie.

Because he wouldn't have kissed her if he meant what he said.

As I recalled his promise, I cried harder.

Taylor was right, he fucked me over and broke my heart. Exactly what she was trying to warn me about.

It was all apart of his game and I fell for it. 

I was gasping for air now. It felt as if my heart had collapsed and it was somehow crushing my lungs.

Or maybe my lungs were filling with my tears.

"Stay the fuck away from her Justin, I mean it. You've done enough." Her arms tightened around me as he came closer to me. 

I wanted to scream at him. I wanted to hit him. I wanted him to tell me I saw wrong. I wanted to run away and never look back. I wanted to hate him. I wanted him to tell me he loved me and mean it. 

But I never got to do any of that because the voices began fading away and I succumbed to the darkness.

At least I couldn't feel pain there.





Don't know what this is.

It didn't come out as emotionally heartbreaking as I wanted it to but I like it more or less.


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