Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Selena's POV

"I feel like an absolute idiot." I slapped my palm to my forehead.

"Why?" Justin asked, glancing briefly at me from the driver's seat. He almost looked afraid of my answer.

"Because I did the total opposite of what I promised I wouldn't. I freaking moved houses. Hell I almost transferred schools! Over a guy!" I said emphasizing on my last statement. "No offense by the way."

He laughed. "None taken. Although if it helps I lost my freaking mind. I almost did something I never thought I'd even think about doing."

"Hit Meghan?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"No. I contemplated knocking Taylor out long enough so I could get to you." He admitted nonchalantly, making me laugh.

"Oh my God, did you?" I gaped.

He rolled his eyes. "No. She's my sister - it would be completely immoral to do. Doesn't mean I didn't think about it."

"Okay so we're both idiots." I confirmed.

"Only when it comes to each other." I can't believe it but I actually missed his cheesiness. Of course I'd never tell him that. 

"Other than that," He continued. "I'm nothing short of a genius." He smiled smugly.

"More like a geni-ass." I snorted watching as the smile dropped off his face only to be repalced by a scowl. 

"Stop stealing my lines."

"I'm your girlfriend. It's my job."

"Say that again." He grinned boyishly.


"That you're my girlfriend."

"I'm your girlfriend." I laughed. "God we're that couple."

"What couple?"

"The ones that can't go without each other for twenty four hours without feeling like they're going to die."

"Yeah....sounds about right. Although I wouldn't want it any other way."

"You're such a charmer."

"That's why they call me Prince Charming." He smirked.

"No one calls you that. Literally no one."

"Oh yeah?" He challenged.


"So then what do they call me?"

"A dork. That's what they call you."

"You are so rude to me." He pouted.

"It's called tough love. Someone's gotta tame that ego of yours."

"This is the second time this month you've insulted my normal size ego."

"If by normal you mean Texas then yeah."


"Want me to make it the fourth?"

"Oh shit." He said pulling into my driveway.

"What?" I asked turning to look forward.

One guess as to what we saw.

That's right. An angry Taylor was glaring at the car.

He put the gear in park and looked me in the eye. 

"If I don't make it, know that I love you okay?"

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