Back At The Station

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Olivia POV

When we arrived back at the station, i told her where to go to park her car in the garage. Once we were parked, we got out and she opened the trunk and grabbed out two bags. Then she went to the passenger seat and tried to carry Alex out of his seat. I went over to her and grabbed the bags in my one hand that was open since the other one had the bag with our food inside. After she got Alex out, she closed the door and went back to close the trunk and then we went up stairs to the office. When we got to my desk we saw that elliot and alexandria was gone. I walked over to fin and said "wheres el and alexandria". He said " El took her up to the cribs because this lady walked in and was talking to munch and alexandria told el that, that was their mom, so el put the babys stuff under your desk and wrapped his coat over her and carried her upstairs so she wouldnt be seen". I said "ok and thanks". Alexis said "So wheres my sister". I said "Their upstairs in the cribs so come on and we came eat up their". She said "ok but can you grab alex's seat, i dont want to carry him the whole time". I said "Sure" and grabbed his seat from under my desk. We walked upstairs to the cribs and knocked on the door. El opened it and moved to the side. Alexis walked over to alexandria and said, "Did you here what mom said." Alexandria said, "Yeah, she asked detective Fin if he saw us and if he seen dad." Alexis asked her younger sister, "what did you do when you saw mom." Alexandria said, "I told detective Stabler that mommy was here and that you said to hide if she came." Alexis said, "good girl," and hugged her sister. Her sister asked "Are we gonna go home back to mommy and daddy". Alexis said "I dont know yet Ann".We all heard Alexandria's stomach growl. We laughed and Alexis grabbed the bag with her and Alexandrias food. She told alexandria not to spill and to eat her sandwich first. Once we were done eating, Alexis made Alex a bottle and took him out of his seat and fed him while humming to a song. I think the song was Here Comes Goodbye by Rascal Flatts. 6 minutes later Alex fell asleep and alexis put him in his carseat. Alexandria fell asleep as well on the side of alex's carseat. I looked over at elliot and he was dozing off to sleep. I knocked his shoulder and he jumped up. Me and Alexis laughed and i said " stay awake, we have stuff to finish". He nodded and we walked down stairs after i told alexis, "you guys can stay up here, if you need anything just call me from the ledge".

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