Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

I somehow found my way to an exit. It wasn’t the same way we came in but I felt a wave of victory at having made it through that maze of a building without getting caught. The only problem now was that I didn’t have any clue as to where I was and I only had about ten dollars on me, my ID, and a pair of car keys that meant nothing at the moment. I decided to head in what seemed like the direction of civilization. I turned right and started moving down the industrial street. It was clear that most of the warehouses were no longer functional. Some were in the process of being renovated into lofts and the further I went, the more I could see that had already undergone the conversion. It seemed I was going in the right direction.

After about ten minutes of walking, I started to see a bigger road between the cracks of buildings. When I saw a street light, I decided to take the next alleyway one block over as the street I was currently on started to curve away from the busier street.

The alleyway was dark and spooky, like most alleys are. I sped up a little on my way through, avoiding trash and trying to ignore the sound of rats eating week old French fries. I was almost at the street when someone appeared in front of me.

That’s right he appeared. As in out of thin air. Like a freaking ghost. If the hair on my arms hadn’t already been standing up, it sure was now. My goose bumps got goose bumps and started to tingle painfully. Electric shocks were running up and down my spine at the energy the figure was causing.

“Hello, Cassandra.”

His voice made the chills multiply. I should’ve recognized his face but I didn’t. That poison voice is what brought my dream rushing back to the surface. His face was just as scary now as it had been at the circus. A little whiter and somewhat see-through but still scary.

“What do you want?” I asked brilliantly.

“I just want to talk to you Cassie,” he said, smiling. “Come with me,” he reached his hand out to me and I felt a pull at my mind. He was trying to influence me! “I’ll explain everything to you. I’ll take care of you. You won’t have to be in your sister’s shadow anymore.” He took a step towards me and I retreated one step.

“Listen buddy, if you think I have an inferiority complex, you are so wrong.” I glared at him willing him to go away. “My sister can have the spotlight. I don’t want it. Besides,” I shrugged, “she’s better than me.”

He looked thoughtful for a minute then he started staring at me with more purpose than he had the last time. I felt the pull on my mind more than ever before. My entire being wanted to grab his hand and follow him to the ends of the earth. A much smarter part of me was taking a step back, flinging out my hands and yelling “STOP!”

He stared at me in shock for a second then threw back his head and laughed. “Oh, I don’t think your sister could top that. What’s the use of power if you have no will?” His gaze took on a menacing appearance as he stared at me. “You have the power to resist me. That is truly impressive.” He smirked, then said, “Boys, get her.”

I stopped breathing when five guys dressed in black walked into the alleyway. They had me surrounded. There was nowhere I could go.

“You’re surrounded. There’s nowhere to go, Cassandra,” he said smugly, stating the obvious.

My back was against a metal door laid into the brick walls of the alleyway. It must have been a back door to a shop facing the bigger street that had driven me into the alley in the first place. Why didn’t I just stay on the well-lit path? Why did I have to go into the creepy little alleyway? Seriously, how many scary movies did a girl have to see before she got it into her head that dark alleyways are bad?

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