Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

“Move over.”

I glanced at the millimeter of space between me and the window before looking back at Angela with my eyebrow raised. “That was a joke right?”

She scowled at me, scrunching up her features making her look like a gargoyle.

Okay, so I was just being a bitch, she didn’t look like a gargoyle. I mean, she was a perfectly normal height with gorgeous red hair and mysterious black eyes not to mention her model-esque bone structure. She would need a lot of make-up to look like a gargoyle.

But boy, could she act like one.

She was sitting on her side of the bench seat in the van with her nose in the air, staring out the window and resolutely not facing me. Her arms were crossed and one of her pointy elbows kept jabbing me in the ribs every time we hit a bump.

“Listen Red, if your elbow jabs me one more time, you will lose it.” I grimaced a little as soon as I said the words, getting a mental image of an elbow-less arm. Gross.

“You could try,” she replied, her black eyes lit with fire as she turned to face me.

“Why are you trying to pick a fight, Angela. Didn’t I say I was sorry about that whole coffee thing? You know how I am with mornings and I was in a semi catatonic state at the time so how was I supposed to kn─”

“Shut up about the coffee already,” she growled at me. “That’s not what this is about.”

I frowned, trying to think. Well then what the hell? We were just two girls on the same side in a war between good and evil. Shouldn’t we be like, braiding each other’s hair and exchanging battle strategies or something? “How about a clue?” I asked.

She growled again before jerking her head towards the front of the van and sending a glare James’ way.

James? She was really pissed at James but couldn’t reach him so she was taking it out on me? Maybe she was jealous of his smooth, dark brown hair. I mean, redheads really didn’t have many options and no one likes to dye their eyebrows.

“He does have really nice hair.” I nodded, looking at the back of his head as he leaned towards Derek, talking to him in hushed tones.

“What?” Angela asked her tone half puzzled and half pissed.

“I think you should just embrace your own hair, Red. I mean, it looks cool. Especially in the sun, all these other colors come out and it’s just so…red.” Okay so it was majorly weird to compliment her. She’s just such a bitch usually, you know? My thoughts on Angela have generally been scathing and witty remarks about how pale she is.

“I think you’re missing the point,” she ground out, leaning closer to me. “James and I have a future together and you,” she poked me in the collar bone, scratching me with her blood red and incredibly pointy nail, “are getting in the way.”


“So this is about jealousy,” I said, nodding as I finally understood what the hell she was talking about.

She let out a hiss and leaned back, staring at me in horror. “I am not jealous of you, idiot.”

Oh wow, offensive. All right, I know I’m not much to look at. I have boring brown hair and I’m weirdly tall with not much in the way of boobs but I think my eyes are pretty cool. Their strange bright green color sometimes attracts attention unless I’m standing beside Sam. Then I’m invisible.

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