Chapter 23

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 Hey guys, I'm dedicating this chapter to a friend of mine, LaLaLa95 cause she's awesome and is an AMAZING WRITER. So check out her stories!!

Chapter 23:

“What the hell happened here?”

Calypso’s purple house looked like it had been hit by a tornado. The hot pink shutters were mostly gone and scattered across the grass. Some were still hanging on by a hinge but they looked like they would fall with the next breeze. The roof had a pretty major hole in it and the door was missing.

I didn’t acknowledge Jack’s question as we got out of the car. Together we stared at the ruins of the house that we’d been inside of only days before.

I took a step forward and Jack grabbed my arm, stopping me. Turning to look at him, I said, “It’s fine, Jack. There’s no one in there.” There wasn’t much energy coming from the house and the only person I could feel inside was familiar and if we didn’t hurry, I had the feeling that even that energy would soon be gone.

Jack called the base on his cell phone as we walked through the doorway. The inside of the house looked worse than the outside. Tables were overturned, chairs were broken and the pictures on the wall were scattered across the floor, shards of glass from the frames crunched under our feet as we moved further inside.

“Calypso?” I called quietly. Even though there was no one else there, I felt the need to whisper. Like I was in a cemetery or something.

“Cass, I really think we should wait for the others,” Jack whispered from behind me.

I just shook my head. “No time,” I muttered. A sense of urgency was pushing me ahead. The need to move forward was so strong that nothing could’ve stopped me.

We stepped towards the door to the basement and as we walked by, there was a small sound, like a whimper.

“Calypso?” I called again and the whimper came one more time. “We’re coming!” I said more loudly, marching towards the stairs before stopping abruptly.

There were no stairs. They had been blown away leaving only a dark empty space below us.

“Okay, this poses a problem. Can you fly, Cass?”

“No,” I replied instantly before tilting my head to the side and considering. “Well, if I change the energy below me caused by the gravitational pull into upward kinetic energy, then maybe I can slow my decent a bit so that my landing won’t be quite as brutal.”

Jack was silent behind me and I turned to look at him. His mouth was hanging open and his eyes were bugging out of his head comically. A laugh bubbled its way up my throat but I stamped it down. It was definitely not the time for laughter.

“I was just kidding and you tell me that you really can fly? Your parents really were some powerful people, huh?” Jack still looked a little shell shocked but his tone was laced with wry humor.

Giving him a half smile, I just shrugged. Concentrating on the space in front of me, I jumped.

The ground was rushing up to me way too fast and I threw a bit too much power below me, making me rise up a couple inches only to fall again. I didn’t have enough time to slow the fall and I hit the ground hard, feeling the sharp pain in the bottoms of my feet when you jump from too high.

Wincing, I ignored the pain and walked further into the basement which was littered with debris. Calling out for Calypso, I stumbled over a few pieces of wood and knick-knacks that had been knocked to the ground. I found her eventually, lying half on top and half under a pile of wood that was probably at one point a cabinet.

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