Chapter 15

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Update! I'm not really happy with this chapter so don't be too hard on me. Please comment!!

Chapter 15:

“Shit!” I screamed running towards the door and struggling with the door knob for a second, turning and pushing to no avail. I could feel Caine everywhere. His dark swirling power was choking me, filling my nose with a putrid smell, making my throat burn and my stomach lurch in revulsion.

James moved beside me and started shoving at the door with enough force to make the wood crack but it still didn’t open. Then I felt Dillon’s power join Caine’s. He was looking for something searching for a crack in the already weakened defenses and it wouldn’t be long before he found it.

I cursed my idiocy for leaving my sister so unguarded so I could make out with James. I was such an idiot. Granted, James was totally hot and a genuinely good guy so I wasn’t a complete idiot but still, my behavior wasn’t about to win me any awards.

I yanked helplessly at the door as I felt Dillon coming closer and closer to my sister. It was like I had a bird’s eye view of the whole thing while I stood there, helpless. My hands were raw from pounding on the stupid, extra thick and sturdy door but I didn’t stop until Dillon’s twisted power actually touched my sister. I went completely still, inside and out. They’d done it, they’d reached Sam and now, we were doomed. They’d brainwash her and make her work for them and I would go and try to save her and probably get myself killed in the process and─

Wait a minute? Wasn’t I some kind of incredibly strong, super-powered chick? Didn’t I possess a rare magic that didn’t exist in just anyone?

Hell yes, I do, I thought and reached down inside of me, drawing out my power as I heard thunder rumbling in the distance. The world around me dimmed and all I could feel was that core of strength that had been there forever but somehow I’d never been able to find before coming here. I let the power out, letting it envelope me in its comforting light before releasing it with an incredible amount of force towards our attackers.

The strength of my counter attack sent me to my knees but I didn’t even notice as I slammed indelicately onto the hardwood floor. Their power was retreating as my power continued to pulse around the building. I could feel everything. Every part of the slightly run down old warehouse was pulsing with my energy, forcing out anything that didn’t belong there.

Another rumble of thunder vaguely penetrated my preoccupation and I had a mental image of lightning striking all around the building but it didn’t feel bad. The lightning wasn’t coming from Caine or Dillon or any of their good looking lackeys. No, this lightning felt familiar, or at least as familiar as a giant bolt of lightning could feel. The energy behind it was not a bad energy so I ignored it for a moment putting all my focus into destroying any tiny remnant of the putrid magic that had been filling the halls of the base.

Finally, it was gone. Caine and Dillon had retreated and I reduced the amount of energy I was releasing into a nice, regular shield. When I came back to myself, James was sitting about four feet away from me just outside of a slightly singed circle that was surrounding where I was kneeling.

I blinked, wondering who burnt the floor when James lunged forward, grabbing my arms and shaking. “Are you crazy?” he yelled and I cringed from the volume. “You put everything you had into that shield! I could actually feel you grabbing up every piece of your strength in order to produce that...thing that you produced. How many times do I have to tell you that your core of strength keeps you alive? If you use it all, you die!” He shook me again causing my teeth to rattle together.

I met his gaze steadily once he stopped shaking me. He was breathing hard and my heart melted a little when I noticed the concern in his beautiful blue eyes. “I’m not going to apologize, James,” I said and watched as the concern turned to anger. I ignored it and continued. “I’m not going to say I knew what I was doing or that I had any clue what the consequences would be but I couldn’t just watch while they got to Sam.” I stood up, looking down at James who was kneeling on the floor. “You would do the same for someone you loved, James so don’t be such a hypocrite.”

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