Chapter 27

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Chapter 27:

“Cass! Cass, wake up!”

“James, I think it’s working.”

“Cass, please, wake up.”

I felt someone touching my cheek, running their hand over my hair and lightly down my face. It felt nice, comforting.

I cracked my eyes open a bit and after a second, I could make out the worried faces of James and Angela. “Morning,” I croaked, opening my eyes fully.

They blinked at me as I sat up.

“Morning?” James repeated, sinking onto the bed and staring at the wall.

“Hey, are you okay?” I asked, touching his shoulder.

He turned to face me and his eyes were wide with shock and worry. “Am I okay? What about you? You’ve been asleep for 20 hours now. We’ve been trying to wake you up since this morning and you just lay there, comatose. What the hell happened to you?”

I looked from James to Angela. Her black eyes were filled with worry too and I sent her a reassuring smile. “Wherever you went to after Caine left, I couldn’t follow you,” she said.

I thought about the strange dreams I’d had last night. “I saw my mother.”

“What?” James and Angela asked at the same time.

I rubbed my forehead but pulled my hand away quickly. It was hot. Like burning hot. “I think I could fry an egg on my forehead,” I mumbled.

They stared at me like I was crazy.

“Um, yeah, my mother. She spoke to me last night. She…told me she was sorry. To me and to Harper. She asked me to save him and then she…” I trailed off, lightly touching a finger to my forehead, feeling the burn.

“What?” James asked, moving closer to me and grabbing my hand. I threaded my fingers through his and looked at our hands for a moment before looking up at Angela. She looked away quickly but I saw the pain in her eyes. I smiled sadly at her even though she wasn’t looking. James was lucky to have her. Hopefully one day he would be able to see that.

When I’m gone.

I shook my head, returning to the conversation at hand. “She hugged me,” I said, trying to infuse my voice with conviction.

“That’s it? She apologized to you and hugged you?”

I nodded.

“Then how come you couldn’t wake up?” Angela asked.

I shrugged. “No clue. Maybe it’s something to do with where I had to go when she talked to me. Maybe time runs differently there but really, I have no clue.” They both looked thoughtful for a minute. As we sat there in silence something occurred to me. “Did you say I was sleeping for 20 hours?”

They nodded.

“So it’s eight pm?!” I leapt off the bed. What time is everyone meeting at?

“Mostly everyone is here already,” James said, shrugging.

“Well let’s go!” I yelled heading to the door.

I felt someone grab my wrist and I heard Angela smother a laugh. “Cass,” James said and I heard laughter in his voice too.


“You’re wearing your pajamas.”

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