Stupid Boys and Chinese

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Six years since I left. For six years I promised myself I would never go anywhere near my family again. But now I am signing over my life to work side by side with a piece of that same family I ran from. No one knows who I actually am, and no one ever will. All they will ever know is my name Shiloh Brooks not Bellatrix Irwin the runaway. Shiloh Brooks is the bassist for the band New Beginnings, she's confident and funny. She's not insecure and shy; she made a better life for herself with her band mates Audrey Jones, Scarlett Edwards, and Nicole Edwards. I am not Bellatrix Irwin, I am not related to the drummer of the band I am signing us over too. I refuse to acknowledge that part of my life ever existed.

"The tour starts in a week. Will you girls be ready to hit the road then?"

Ashton spoke in the same voice he used all his life, the overly happy hyper child. Us girls each nodded our heads. I know they are all excited for this, but I'm dreading it. I was the leader of the band so I signed on the dotted line finalizing our decision. I just sold over my life to my brother's band for a tour. There was some perks like his attractive band mates and the chance to travel the world. But what if they find out my secret? Will Ashton call our parents and I will be forced back into the hell I had finally escaped from.

"Shiloh it's time to go we have to rehearse."

I looked to Nicole she was trying to get me away from him I know. All the girls knew my secret we are a family I couldn't keep this from them. Nicole though took it as her job to protect me, and to keep me away from them. That's why this choice was so hard to make, but we couldn't pass it up even if it risks my life. We left the conference room and climbed into our small car. Audrey was the oldest at 20 so she was always the one to drive us. Scarlett and I were both 18 while Nicole was the youngest at 17. It didn't make sense that she was the mother of the band, but we all accepted it for what it is.

"Shiloh you okay?"

Audrey was concerned for me, they all were. I tried talking as little as possible the whole meeting.

"I'll be okay girls, now who wants to help me dye my hair?"

I started dying my hair when the band took off a year ago. It had faded from the vibrant pink I had dyed it previously. Next color was going to be a dark blue fading to black. My natural color was the same as Ashton's a boring brown. There isn't anything special about that, and it's not me. When we all got to the house we shared Nicole and I went off to dye my hair, the rest went to order Chinese.

"What are you going to do when you have to see them every day?"

I thought it over. I honestly have no idea, all my ideas include run and hide, but I can't they will get suspicious.

"I'll just avoid Ashton at all cost and any questions about my past. They can't know who I am."

She nodded her head agreeing with me, they dye slowly working through my hair taking the blonde pink away.

"Plot twist Ashton starts to fall for you. So Ms. Brooks what will you do then?"

I made gagging motions the thought of that is absolutely disgusting.

"Shiloh he was staring at you the whole time."

I didn't notice it all I could focus on was the other boys, especially Michael, but none of the other girls need to know about my tiny tiny crush. The rest of the dye was applied in silence my excitement growing as more and more was covered with blue.

"Well lyrical genius what songs are on our set list?"

I started to think through what I had put down on the sheet my memory starting to fail me more and more every day.

" Can't take back the bullet, Tell her you love her, Control, our 21 guns cover, Good enough, Boy, they don't know about us, and our cover of teenage dirt bag and our cover of bad blood. Basically everything we have been working on the past year to perfect."

She nodded her head in approval, Nicole planned mostly keyboard but we slowly got her to learn guitar. Scarlett planned lead guitar while Audrey kills the drums and me I play bass and I do most of the vocals.

"Hair mostly done we just need to add the black and you will be absolutely marvelous darling."

Nicole tried speaking in her best British accent, but her American one wouldn't let her. All the girls were from America, I am the only one not from this country. We ran through the songs harmonizing in the appropriate spots. We finished my hair washing it out and curling it. The colors making my caramel hazel eyes pop against my porcelain skin. I think I am in love. The smell of Chinese food drifted into the room and we went out to find the girls gathered around the table with some unexpected guest.

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