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"See guys I told you they were together. Now take pictures before they deny everything."

"Shh you'll wake them up"

"Good she needs to wake up."

"Look how cute they are!"

I groaned and hid my face as best as I could. All my friends suck. Literally. That's all I have to say.

"Fuck off does anyone understand the concept of sleep?"

Mikey sounded irritated, and our friends grumbled all the way out of the room. Complaining how we aren't fair and how they want to see their OTPs happy. This half of the OTP will shove a shoe into unmentionable places if woken up before the hour of noon. I picked my phone off the bed side table and looked at the time, 3:34. Panic overcame me. We have less than an hour until rehearsal, to be exact we have twenty-six minutes, but who's counting? Not me definitely not me oh no no no. I threw on a pair of old leggings and a baggy sweater. This is good right?

"Mikey get your lazy ass out of bed it's time for rehearsal."

He mumbled something into the pillow.


More barely audible mumbles, so i sat back on the bed and continued to poke his face.

"Get uppppppppppppp."

I dragged out the p in the up as I tried shaking him awake.

"I canceled rehearsal last night, get back in bed."

Now that i could hear. I kicked off my clothes, and got back into bed with Mikey, he went to put his arm around me and i'm guessing he was expecting more clothes from the little oh that escaped his mouth.

"Where are your clothes.........?"

I shrugged my shoulders and moved closer to him, this is a really bad idea, but funny as all hell. I don't know what's wrong with me, this all feels to good, something has to be wrong. I think Mikey fell back to sleep his breathing slow down, his hands stayed on one spot on my waist. This all feels like a dream. He feels like a dream. Watch I'm going to close my eyes and wake up alone. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the final moments I could have with Mikey.

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