Chapter 2 - Pretend

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I left the interrogation room ashamed and devastated. I just killed a man in cold blood. He begged me not to, but I did it anyways for my own selfish reasons. He had a kid, a kid who's gonna ask for his father, and no ones going to know the answer to that, because of me. I took the life of an innocent man, a man who was doing nothing but obeying orders. And now hes dead. His family wont even have a body to bury. I was sitting in my office drowning in my own guilt before Twist walked in. I wouldn’t exactly call it an office. I mean, an empty room with the interior falling apart and a desk with three chairs isn’t exactly what you'll see in the Chrysler building.

“Good job” he said before taking a seat in one of the extra chairs.

“Don’t you knock Christopher?” I asked lifting my head from its previous position which was buried in my forearms, hiding from my world of sin.

“Why so down Ang?” he asked. This man has probably killed so many people in his life he thought it was a hobby. I guess that’s how he got to the top. See, Twist is the boss around these parts. He calls the shots, and you only have two options. You either obey the man, or get killed. He's our very own Davinci. I wouldn't exactly call Twist evil, but he wasn't a saint. This is where he and I were very different. He could kill a man in cold blood and have no remorse whats so ever. As for me, I would do the same, but drown in my own guilt for weeks.

“I didn’t get what I was looking for” I told him.

“Don’t worry Angela, we'll find Davinci, I promise” he looked me in the eye an put his hand to my shoulder. I could tell you I hate this man with all my guts, but that would be a lie. Hes the closest thing I have to a father besides my brother. Speaking of him, hes probably at home waiting for me to get back from “work”.

“Thanks Chris.” I said. He nodded as I walked out of my office, back into the dingy halls of this haunting warehouse. My brother thinks I work at some modeling agency somewhere in Manhattan. I try to keep my work as far away from him as possible. Daniel has a good thing going for him. He's got a full scholarship to the University of Miami. If he got tied up into the mess that I'm in, he'd probably be out in the streets selling drugs. I take care of my brother as if he were my child. I'd do anything for him. Hes the only family I have left. I left out the back of the warehouse where my car is parked. As much as I hate working in this “industry”, it makes good money. And like I said, I'd do anything to support my big brother.

I walked inside our brownstone apartment in the upper west side of Manhattan. “Daniel, are home?” I called out.

“Yeah, I'm playing games” He called from his room upstairs.

“Are you hungry?”

“Yeah!” He yelled back. “Make that spaghetti thing with the steak!” I swear if we keep yelling like this, we'd get a noise complaint. Not that we’ve haven’t gotten one before, I mean two teenagers living in the upper west side? Did you really expect my brother not to throw wild parties while I'm “working” on the weekend. My brothers a good kid and all, but he's still a eighteen. What eighteen year old doesn't like s good party? He came a downstairs a few minuets later while I was preparing his meal he so kindly asked for.

“How was practice?” I asked him referring to his recent disappearances to the park .

“Good. The guys are really helping me out with my distance.” Daniel always mentions his friends to me, but I've never met them. He says that they’re players and he doesn’t want them anywhere near me. I guess Daniel doesn’t know exactly how well I can handle myself.

“How was work?” he asked, grabbing a juice pouch from the fridge.

“Good” I replied.

“You're lying Ang. What happened?”

“Eh, I don't wanna talk about it” I told him. I'd really like to forget what happened in that interrogation room.

“Is it that new intern you mentioned the other day?”

“Yeah” lied. “She's been a real bitch lately, that's all”

“Don't worry about her. Once you get that promotion you've been talking about, things will get better. I promise.” he said kissing me on the cheek and heading back upstairs. Once I heard his door close, I sat down on the kitchen table and cried. Not one of those loud sobbing cries. Just tears and a few sniffles. I can't stand lying to him. He has hopes for me. Hopes that will never happen because instead of being in school, I'm wasting my life trying to find the man who killed my parents and sister. I wish that all I had to worry about when I left my house in the morning was some bitchy intern instead of what Twist has in store for me. I wish that instead of driving to a warehouse every day, I'd be walking into some tacky office building, or maybe even a school. But as long as Davinci walks these streets, I would never be able to live a life like a normal teenager. I would never be able to go to the mall with friends or have a part time job at foot locker, or have a boyfriend. I don't even know what exactly “love” is. I hear about it in movies. Sometimes Daniel comes home with a girl that he says he loves. Or sometimes Twist says he loves me. But that's just when hes have a few to many shots. But I've never actually experienced love. How does it feel to love someone? How does it feel to be loved back? I mean, that feeling to love someone so much, you're willing to do anything for them to be able to keep them from ever leaving you. Maybe I've been watching too many soap opera's. I usually tend to stay away from this subject of love. It can never happen for me. I don’t even know how to flirt. I mean, what do I say? “Hey, my name is Angela and I stopped going to school so I can search for a psycho named Davinci and I make some money on the side by killing some of his workers.” Yeah, great conversation starter Ang. And even if I did find a guy who was willing to accept me for who I am, that would never last. Twist told me to not even get close to another guy. He would've killed Daniel if we weren't almost the split image of each other. Just as I got caught up in my thoughts, I spotted boiling water overflowing in the pot.

About an hour later my brother and I sat in the kitchen table eating. Even though its just us, its better than eating alone. This is the time where I can just be here, with my brother, and pretend like nothing ever happened this morning. I pretend that I've never been to a warehouse, that I've never met a guy named Twist, or that I've never held a gun or killed a man in my life. But most importantly, this is where I pretend that I haven't become the person I most feared I would someday. This is where I pretend that I am nothing like Davinci. But you and I both know, I am. 


Picture of Daniel to the right.

Thanks for the sweet comments guys <3

Sorry if the chapter is short. I think it's better to post shorter chapters in faster time than to post longer chapters which will take longer to write. But if you perfer longer chapters, please tell me and I promise the next one will be longer <3

Oh and Charlene, don't worry, you come in on chapter 4 or 5 :)

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