Chapter 10 - Charlene

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September 6th 2013

New York City

Location: Simmons Apartment

I woke up this morning feeling relieved. I didn't have to go to the warehouse today. There was no need. I found what I was looking for, and knew exactly how I was going to get it. The only thing that was on my mind is what Twist was deciding to do after we caught Davinci. I still don’t know his reasons for wanting him in the first place. But if he was thinking of keeping him alive for questioning, he can do that after I kill him.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. It was one of those basic ring tones of a bell ringing. The caller ID popped up and I was greeted by a photo of Daniel and I. I almost didn't answer because I was too busy staring at the picture about to cry. Its been a little over a week and it feels like a year. Then again, its the longest I've ever been without my brother.

I swiped the answer button across the screen and put the phone to my ear.

“Angela!” Daniel greeted before I got the chance to say hello.

“Hey” I said in a calmer voice than his. I heard a bunch of people in the background, so I guess he was on campus.

“Oh my gosh Angela, college is so much fun man”

“It's only your second day” I chuckled at how excited he was.

“Really? If feels like a month” he said excitedly.

“I know” I said my smile fading along with the previous background noises I heard on the other end of the phone. I heard a door close indicating that he was somewhere more private.

“How you been Ang?” he asked, his once cheerful attitude gone. I didn’t mean to bring him down.

“Fine” I simply said. As long as he was happy I should be too.

“You don’t sound fine.”

“I am, really” I replied putting a smile back on my face, even though he couldn’t see me. “I have a day off today” I said trying to sound cheerful again.

“Finally” he giggled through the phone. “You’ve been working non-stop for a while now.”


“So what are you doing today?” he asked.

“I don't know yet. I'll probably just lounge around or go for a drive or something.”

“How exciting” he said sarcastically.

“Ha ha” I replied, equally sarcastic.

“No seriously though. You should like go to a party or something. There's always parties on the final days of summer”

“You're telling me to go to a party?” I gasped dramatically. “Not very 'older brotherly' of you”

“Shut up” he laughed. “I'm not saying get wasted or anything. Just, have some fun. You work too hard”

“Yeah I guess I might ask Jacob if he knows a few”

“Great” he cheered. “Make sure you take pictures!”

“Ew no!” I laughed. “This isn't prom Daniel”

“I know, I was joking” he said as our laughs died down.

“I miss you” He sighed.

“I miss you too” I replied. “When are you coming back?” I asked him.

“I don't know yet. Sometime before the holidays for sure.”

“Please hurry”

“I will” he said. Before I could reply, the other line beeped on my cell phone. Well that's a first.

“Uh, Jacobs calling” I said, unsure of how to answer the other line.

“Okay miss social life” He joked again.

“Shut up college boy” I said laughing at my lame comeback.

“I call you tomorrow. Love you” he said.

“I love you too” I replied before swiping the button that said answer.

“Hello?” I said unsure if I did it correctly.

“Hay” Jacob said in a feminine voice

“Hi” I chuckled walking over to the fridge grabbing the orange juice.

“Are you busy today?” he asked

“No, I actually have the day off” I replied pouring my self a large glass, and walking back over to fridge to put the carton back in its place.

“Why?” I asked taking a sip of the refreshing beverage.

“I want to introduce you to somebody. Open your door.” he said.

“Huh?” my face scrunched up in confusion. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Finally understanding what he meant, I walked over to the front door, still sipping on my orange juice. Opening the door, I was greeted by Jacob and another familiar face.

“Angela, this is my girlfriend, Charlene!” Jacob said gesturing towards the female standing next to him. I almost choked on my dink as my eyes widened. She reached her hand out and smiled, waiting for me to grab it.

“Hi, I'm Charlene” she paused. “Charlene Meadows

[A/N] : Photo of Charlene to the right <3 

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