Chapter 5 - Coney Island

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August 26th 2013

New York City

Location: Coney Island

We dropped Jacob off at his apartment in Queens, then we drove straight to Coney Island. We rode all the new rides first, then the old classic ones. But we saved the best for last, the Cyclone. I swear we rode that thing like 15 times. When we finished, I paid for the pictures that they take when you're at the top of the ride. We did different poses each time.

I remember our parents used to bring us here all the time when we were kids. I begged them to let me ride the Cyclone but I was never tall enough. Daniel promised that as soon as I reached the height limit, he'd take me on it. We'd take the measuring tape every two weeks and checked my height. Once I made it to 5 feet, Daniel and I rode the subway and went straight to the Cyclone. Of course I was excited at first, but I forgot that I was afraid of heights. My eyes were closed the entire time. But every time we visited, Daniel and I always rode the Cyclone last. Now were sitting on a bench at the boardwalk reminiscing the past.

“Remember when we went fishing on dad's birthday and you fell in the water?” I laughed.

“Oh my gosh, Yeah!” He giggled. “Dad had to jump in and save me because I couldn't swim”

“We never went fishing again because Mom said it was too dangerous” I nudged him.

“And she punished me for a week!” He said. We both laughed thinking about the way mom yelled at dad about how he should be more observant of his kids because they might fall in the ocean when he's not looking. Moments like this I'm gonna miss the most. Just being able to have someone to laugh and share memories with. The good memories, not the bad ones.

“I miss them” Daniel said.

“I miss them too”

“Sometimes I can't sleep because I cant stop thinking about them.” I heard him sniffle so I wrapped my arm around him.

“Sometimes I talk to them. I just sit on the porch and talk to the stars. Remember when dad told us that story about Grandpa watching over us?”

“Yeah” He chuckled. “We thought it was silly then”

“Now we actually believe it” I said. We both looked up at the stars and watched them shine. After about 5 minuets of silent crying and staring at the stars, we were interrupted by the sounds of moving gates. We turned around to see that the amusement park was closing and they were shutting off the lights.

“You ready to go?” Daniel asked?

“Yeah” I said. It was a silent stroll down the boardwalk to the car.

It was heart breaking.

[A/N] I know this is really short, but I prewrote a few short chapters like this because I know that I'm not very consistent with writing. So these are just some fillers that will be posted while I write the longer chapters.

Photo of their mom, Diane Simmons, to the right.

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