Chapter 4 - Jacob

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August 26th 2013

New York City

Location: Warehouse

“Leonardo August, who we all know as Davinci” Twist said handing me a folder which contained all of his information. “35 years old, born and raised in the streets of New York City.” I nodded my head and flipped through the pages as he continued.

“Who's this?” I asked handing him a picture of a woman from the file.

“His wife, Miriam August”

“Do they have a kid?” I asked thinking of my sister.

“Yeah” he flipped through a few more pages pulling out a photo of a teenage boy. He looked about my age.

“Chresanto August. He's 17 years old, born on July 23rd 1996, a senior in High School” Twist continued in a bored tone.

“Seems like he following his fathers footsteps” I said pulling out a police report.

“Two counts of assault, and drug possession” Twist read as I continued looking through the folder. We sat there together soaking up every piece of information we could find on Davinci and his family. As I flipped through the pages, my heart stopped beating for a second. I came across a photo of him. He looked exactly the same as that night. His eyes were dark and soulless. His focused glare at the camera sent shivers down my spine.

“You okay?” Twist asked.

“Yeah” I nodded. I slipped the picture into my purse and continued looking through the folder.

After about three hours of sitting in that office, I got a phone call from my brother. He said he was heading home and he had some news to tell me. I'm guessing it probably has something to do with his recent girlfriend he brought home the other night. He's been talking about her a lot. I really hope he doesn't have a plan to elope or something. She's pretty skimpy but I guess he's in love or whatever.

I arrived to my apartment immediately taking off my shoes and tossing them to the side.

“Daniel!” I called as I tied my hair into a bun and waited for a response. Usually I'd only hear Daniel's footsteps coming down, but there was an extra pair. He walked downstairs with another kid following behind him. He was pretty short with big hair and huge smile.

“Okay so I have some news!” Daniel said a bit too excited. His friend stood behind him awkwardly, but was still smiling.

“So I qualify for this training program that's gonna help me get in shape and show me all these really cool football techniques for college and it starts in two days” he said.

“That's great Daniel!” I said hugging him. “So, no more practicing in the park?”

“No way!” he giggled before hesitating. “but, Its on campus.”

“Oh” I sighed. I knew he was leaving for college already, but he wasn't supposed to leave yet. We had at least 2 weeks left to have fun a spend time together before he left.

“Don't worry, I'll be fine” he said. It wasn't him I was worried about. He's kinda the only thing keeping me sane at the moment. If he wasn't here, I'd pretty much lose my mind.

“I'm not worried” I smiled. Well, pretended to smile. “When do you leave?”

“My flight leaves tomorrow morning”

“What?” I said in a confused tone.

“I'm sorry. I didn't get to choose the flight. They kinda already planned everything out” he said sympathetically.

“But I planned out the rest of the day for us! We can go to Coney Island and ride the cyclone as much as you want!” he smiled again.

“Fine, but you're paying” I joked. As long as I knew my brother was safe, I would be okay. Now that I found Davinci, I think its would be best for Daniel to be as far away as possible.

“Deal” he said as we both laughed. I nodded towards his friend standing behind him who was now on his phone.

“Oh, this is Jacob. Jacob, this is my sister Angela.” He quickly put his phone away before reaching out to shake my hand.

“Hi” we both introduced ourselves.

“I've heard so much about you” Jacob smiled.

“Really” I raised an eyebrow at Daniel hoping this wasn't him trying to play cupid.

“Oh, don't worry Ang, has a girlfriend” Daniel assured me. “Her name is Charlene, and boy is she cute” he teased Jacob as they nudged each other.

“That's nice” I chuckled.

“I brought him over because I think it'd be nice for you to have a friend while I'm gone ya know.”

“I'm not a dog Daniel, I'll be fine”

“No you won't Ang. You'll need someone to talk and support you.” he said with concern. He was right though. Every now and then I need a venting session which usually happens at 3 am when I have a nightmare or when there was an anniversary or birthday. Which reminds me, my moms birthday is coming up. We were born on the same day, September 18th. She would always tell me how I was her favorite birthday present.

“He knows Ang” Daniel said. “He knows everything, so its okay to talk to him.” he reassured me. I looked back at Jacob and he gave me a small smile.

“I guess” I replied.

“Great. I'm gonna go get ready for tonight.” He said before going upstairs.

For the next hour or so, Jacob an I caught up. We talked about everything, from my Parents to school, to Poetry. I even mentioned Twist to him. When I realized that it slipped up, I quickly told him that he was just my boss in the office. After that he told me tons about his girlfriend Charlene. He said we would both really get along. It feels nice to have a friend for once. Especially since Daniel will be gone for so long. I know he said I'll have nothing to worry about, but there's so much he doesn't know. Both Daniel and I like that Jacob is gonna be here for me.

But I don't think Twist is gonna like that Jacob's gonna be hanging around.

[A/N] Photo of Jacob to the right 

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