Chapter 9 - This Is It

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September 1st 2013

New York City

Location: Simmons Apartment

I was back at the warehouse with Twist, but this time we weren't brainstorming. He had already thought of a plan, which he kindly told me at 5 o'clock this morning. Since I was up with late with Jacob last night I didn't get much sleep.

“This is it” He said proudly. I stared at the notes, maps, and pictures he set up neatly across the table in his office. I could tell he worked pretty hard on this. Everything was neatly aligned and connected. He wants Davinci just as bad as I do.

“Where does it start?” I asked him.

“Here” he pointed at the photo of a school. I recognized instantly. It was Daniels old high school. I’ve been there a few times to pick him up from practice.

“Why there?” I asked curiously.

“Because” He paused, moving his finger to the photo of Davinci's son, Chresanto August.

“He's our way in” he continued, a sly grin growing on his face. I matched his smile and nodded my head in approval. I noticed three other pictures next to the photo.

“And who are they?”

“His closest friends” Twist said. “I've had a few of my men watching him, and these are the people he's in daily contact with. He has a small circle of trust, so in order to gain his, you have to gain theirs”

I nodded my head in approval and let him continue.

“Rayan Lopez” He pointed to the teen with the braids. “Apparently they both have a thing for music, so they're always in the studio up on fifth avenue.”

“Craig Crippen Jr.” He pointed at the other kid with a faded Mohawk and orange coloring in his hair. “He's currently on the same football team as Chresanto so they're in contact all year round”

“And most importantly” He said walking around to the opposite side of the table so he was facing directly in front of me. “Charlene Meadows” He pointed to the dark skin girl with curly hair and a big smile. “She's your way to Chresanto” He said.

“Is that his girlfriend?” I asked

“No, best friend” He corrected me.“ He's in contact with her the most. They basically grew up together. They’re like brother and sister, inseparable. Now if you wanna gain his trust, you have to gain hers” he continued as we both stared at her picture. She looked innocent. It doesn’t seem that hard to get into her head. But the innocent ones, they're always the smart ones. I definitely have to watch what I say around her.

“I called Jefferson High about late enrollments, and they have room for one more” he said smiling at me. “You’re going to high school kiddo.”

“Ew” I said cheesing back at him. I cherished small moments like this with Christopher. We don't always get along, but when we do, it's always a good feeling.

“You're brother went there, right? He asked instantly making my smile fade. Why the hell was he watching my brother?

“Yeah why?” I replied in a defending tone.

“Just asking” he said. “Make sure you mention him when you start. He seemed popular. He might have known one of the boys”

I continued to eye him, but I nodded along. From the beginning I told Twist I didn't want my brother mixed up in any of his troubles, and he agreed. Even though he asked countless times if I could get my brother to do a few “Extermination” jobs. I made it clear that I didn’t want him involved, it was too risky.

“Alright” I replied. If Chresanto and Craig are on the football team, its a good chance they know my brother. I mean, Jacob and Daniel are good friends, and Jacob hates sports. There might even be a chance that Jacobs knows one of the boys. I would mention that to Twist, but he doesn’t like me having friends. He gets jealous.

I can't mention any of this to Jacob either. Getting him involved in any way is dangerous. I already regret telling him everything last night.

After another half hour of completely explaining the rest of the plan to me, he pointed to the final part.

“This is where it all ends” He said pointing a the the photo of Davinci. Looking at that mugshot sent shivers down my spine. He walked back over to me, as we both took a step back, staring at the entire road map.

“This is it” I whispered.


Just in case you guys are confused, Twist's real name is Christopher. Angela is the only person who calls him that because she's been working for him the longest. She hate's him, but she can't help but love him. He's the only person who understands how important it is to find Davinci. She can't talk about it with her brother because she wants a better future for him, and he just wants to move on from his past and start a new life.

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