Joe oneshot (REQUEST):

361 23 8

First request! EEEE! Thx @TrohmanTrash! (Sorry, I changed one part of your request accidentally... I hope you don't mind)

Also, [TRIGGER WARNING] (still fluffy at the end, bc fluff)

Joe had been gone with the guys almost all day, working on stuff for the new album. He offered to let you go, but you knew that it would take all day and you didn't want to intrude.

It was around 8 at night, and Joe hadn't mentioned anything of a time returning, but you knew he was still with the guys (Pete was tweeting and Instagramming all day). You were casually checking your Twitter, as one does, and you were heartbroken at the things fans were saying about you.

"@(yourtwittername) doesn't deserve Joe. Andy does. #TrohleyForLife"

"Why is Joe dating @(yourtwittername)? She's fat, ugly, and just seems like a terrible person."

"@(yourtwittername) shouldn't be dating that little marshmallow. We miss Marie... She seemed perfect."

There were many more, and each one made your heart break a little more. It was like the fans hated you. You hadn't even done anything to make them mad, really... Right?

You started to feel that itch to cut again. You didn't want scars left behind, or pain that would stay for a long time. You just wanted that short burst so that the pain was there. So, you went with that rubber band method to avoid self harm. (Has anyone else here heard of it? I don't even remember where I first saw it, tbh)

After snapping the rubber band on your wrist a few times, you still felt that itch to cut. You desperately didn't want to, but you started trying to find some blades.

(Guys, I'm gonna warn you now, I've never written something like this before, so it might suck. It might not be exactly what you expected, idk. Don't judge)

Next thing you knew, you were sitting on the floor of you and Joe's upstairs bathroom. You held the blade to your forearm, still not wanting to do it at all.

The tears started after you made that first cut. The second hurt just as much, making your tears fall even faster. By the time you made the third, it almost seemed like your tears were mixing with the blood coming out.

You couldn't take the pain anymore, and set down the blade, leaning against the cabinet under the sink. Thoughts were racing through your head, you being so upset with yourself going through with it.

You promised... Kept going through your head. You always said you would stop, but it was like the hate just got to you.

Next thing you knew, Joe was home. Usually you were in the kitchen or living room when he got home, as that's where you could relax after a long day (also known as every day). When he realized you weren't in either of those places, he started running through the house, obviously thinking the worst. He was calling out your name, but the sobs made it near impossible to speak.

When he found you, he was clearly in shock. He knew you were trying to stop, and had been rooting for you the whole time.

"(Your name), no," he sighed, tears forming in his eyes. "You were doing so well... What happened?"

"The fans hate me," you responded. "They don't want us to be together, they want you back with Marie, or even Andy... I-". You were stopped by another sob.

"Hey, the fans don't matter when it comes to us. We don't need them, and their opinions don't matter."

He pulled you up on the counter and started cleaning the cuts. He bandaged up your arm and offered to carry you to your bed.

"Joe, what about your back?" you responded, remembering how bad it was before and after the surgery.

"Doesn't matter. If anything happens, I'm fine with it. I'm just worried about you."


"No buts, just get on my back. It's getting late, we should be heading to sleep anyways."


He carried you to your bedroom and set you on your bed. He laid you under the covers and left the room really quick. When he returned, he tied a red ribbon on your wrist with "do not open before Christmas (or after)" written on it in black sharpie.

"It's October," you said, looking at Joe, who had gotten back under the covers shortly afterwards.

"And I don't care. Still applies."

"Weirdo," you muttered under your breath, turning on a movie.

Joe quickly kissed your cheek before wrapping his arms around you and resting his head on the space between both of your pillows.

"It's late, no movie please," he muttered, clearly half asleep.

"Fine. Wait, did you grab my phone?"

"You don't need it."

"Yeah I do. My feed goes insane if I don't check it."

"But what if you see more hate?"


You quickly turned around and kissed Joe on the cheek before turning back around and trying to sleep.

"Hey, (your name)..." Joe muttered.


"I love you."

"Love you too, Joefro."

So... Anyone here read TABINOF yet?

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