Preference-how you 2 meet:

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At a FOB concert-

You were in the pit, dancing like Uma Thurman to...well, Uma Thurman. Everything was going fine at first, but as soon as you knew it was coming, it was too late.

You were having an asthma attack, and your best friend, who had your inhaler, was all the way across the pit.

You were trying to regain your breathing, but it was hard. You knew your inhaler would help A LOT, but... Well, you had no way to get to it.

Suddenly Patrick had stopped singing and the guys had stopped playing their instruments.

"Holy smokes! Security, there's a girl having an asthma attack over here! Help her, please!" he called through the microphone. You could see that he got this sad look on his face as he couldn't help. He knew what you were going through, since he also had asthma and went through these things.

In what seemed like seconds, security was lifting you over the gate and taking you to the side of the area near the merch tables. Your best friend followed, realizing what was going on and was trying to help.

You sat down on a bench and your best friend gave you your inhaler. After your breathing was normal again, you decided to just watch from the side and not risk anything in the pit happening again.

After the concert was over, you watched the floods of people try to leave.

"We should wait it out," you said to your best friend. "That looks insane!"

"We don't have to worry about time or anything, so why not?"

You went through the merch tables, buying some cool stuff occasionally, before heading back to the bench you were at before.

Your best friend suddenly looked up, shocked. She was muttering something about "oh my god. Patrick. I think that's Patrick. Is that Patrick?"

You looked up, and saw Patrick running towards you guys, looking relieved. When he got to your bench, you slid over to give him some room to sit down.

"I am so glad I found you!" he exclaimed. "I was so worried back there! Are you ok? I really wish I could've helped more, I really do, it's just hard when you're on a stage and there's a bunch of fans in front of you," he said in what seemed like one breath.

"I'm fine, thanks. You did what you could," you responded. "Honestly, what you did was just enough."

"Well, it was no problem. Hey, why didn't you go back and finish watching the show? I didn't notice you come back or anything."

"We didn't want to risk anything else happening. Also, the sound was surprisingly good over here."

"Well, I'm glad you had a good time. Well, why wouldn't I? Every musician wants their fans to have a good time, especially the ones that don't suck," he said in what sounded like a breath. "I'm sorry for going so fast, just... You're really pretty. Did I just say that out loud? Oh god."

"Patrick Stump just called you pretty!" your best friend whispered in your ear, clearly excited.

"Oh, um, thanks," you responded, blushing.

"It's nothing, really. Hey, I never got your name."

"Oh, I'm y/n, and that's y/b/f/n," you responded, gesturing to the fangirling one next to you.

"Nice to meet you 2. I assume you already know who I am, especially your friend."

"Yeah, she's not very subtle about her fangirling," you responded, elbowing y/b/f/n.

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