45. Sprüche

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Hey ihr Lieben♡
Als erstes ich wünsche euch allen ein frohes neues Jahr 2016!
Ich hoffe ihr hattet einen tollen Start ins neue Jahr:)
Ich weiß ich hab länger kein Kapitel hochgeladen aber ich habe jetzt in dieser Zeit viele Kapitel vorgeschrieben und hoffe dass sich das so jetzt ändern wird
Lots of Love Only_me24 ^^


Englische Sprüche...

You don't really have to understand the world ... you just gotta manage to live in it.

We are on earth to do good things to others. What the others are on earth for?
- I don't know

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia.

A simple "hello" could lead to a million things...

Memories are a way of holding on to the things you Love,
the things you are,
and the things you never want to lose.

We stopped checking for Monsters under our bed, when we realized they were inside us

The truth is: Everybody is going to hurt you, you just need to find the ones worth suffering you...

Sometines you gotta fall before you fly

We are all dreamers wanting to be completely out of touch with reallity

The pain you feel today will be the strentgh you feel tomorrow

She needed a hero, so that's what she became

I rather hurt, than feel nothing at all

May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face

SprücheWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt