Blurb and disclaimers

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No-one managed to escape unscathed. As if they did. But John Green is still out there along with his supposed brother (Hank) and Dan Howell who's not who he says he is.

Add in Doddleoddle, Evan Edinger, KickthePJ, Crabstickz and an above average fangirl and everything is sure to unravel; relationships, hatred and explanations included.

YouTubers included:
Luke Cutforth
Emma Blackery
Joe Sugg
Zoe Sugg
Alfie Deyes
Louise Pentland
Dan Howell
Phil Lester
Jon Cozart
Lily Singh
Tyler Oakley
Troye Sivan
Connor Franta
John Green
Hank Green
PJ Liguri
Chris Kendall
Dodie Clark
Evan Edinger

Ah! A sequel! I can't wait to continue with the Robotic Movements series so yay! This book is about 25 chapters long and I honestly cannot wait.

One thing that you guys must take into consideration, is that it is not okay to steal anyone's work. Now, if you repeat or copy this story I will not be afraid to call you upon it. However, if an honest mistake is made e.g. we create similar stories and we haven't before seen eachothers I won't mind.

Another thing is that sometimes I find it hard to update on schedule. I have only not updated twice; once when I was on holiday and there was no WiFi and another when I went to TATINOF. I will try my hardest to update.

The YouTubers in this story do not belong to me and the character of Megan belongs to Meg24601 as this is literally her. I do claim the story line though.

There are some warnings to this story as well. One is violence. This only escalates in the last chapter which also includes the usage of guns. Some characters will die so be aware of that. A gun is also handled by a minor.

Ships included in this are:
Phan - only slight Phan is included as Dan and Phil don't really communicate much except for the last couple of chapters.
Jaspar - not much but mentions of
Zalfie - they're together irl so
Tronnor - I ship it more than Troyler I'm sorry and this is mentioned a couple of times
Troyler - not much I'm afraid

So, without further ado, I welcome you to Static Movements. Grab some popcorn it's gonna be great.

Love PhanObsession xxx

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