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Joe Sugg had still not given up smoking. In fact, he was puffing cigarette after cigarette, ruining his lungs with the cancer stick. Zoe had tried to make him stop, by hiding his wallet and money but even so, most of the day he had a cigarette poking out of the corner of his mouth.

The smell was awful. It often gave Zoe a headache and sent her into coughing fits. But, even then, she needed to stay with Joe because now she realised the true meaning of family. They had to support eachother no matter what.

No matter if they had scars on their face, scars on their chest or scars on their mind everyone needs to love and be loved. Basic human nature showed her that.

Even at that moment, Joe had a cigarette in his mouth. He breathed in deeply, enjoying as the smoke entered his lungs. He didn't want a quick death caused by no one but him. No. Joe Sugg wanted a slow death caused by him only. Not by a psychotic author at least.

Megan (otherwise known as Meg) Ward Wilkenson had spotted Joe many times throughout the day puffing on the cigarette. She was fairly repulsed by it but this was Joe Sugg, so he couldn't be all bad. Suppose he had a valid reason for holding onto the cancer stick.

Meg made a rash choice then. She took a swig of her bottled water and made her way toward Joe. The younger Sugg was stood outside with Caspar, Zoe and Alfie; Joe took another drag of a cigarette as euphoria filled his senses.

On the way toward Joe, Meg tripped over thin air meaning her still opened bottled water spilled all down Joe's front. The water put out his cigarette and he frowned. The water (surprisingly) didn't touch anyone else only Joe who was still sighing.

"Oh my God," Meg held a hand to her mouth. "I am so, so sorry Joe," her face turned red. "Erm, let me just get a paper towel or something. Erm, I have a tissue in my bag I think, ah! Here it is!"

Meg handed Joe a small Kleenex tissue, smiling apologetically. Joe just rolled his eyes and looked up. The sun was just peeping through the clouds, sending small beams warmth toward the ground.

A taste of summer was in the air. Finally, families could enjoy the tingle of lemonade against their tongues and the burnt barbecue taste that resided in their brains. If only Britain's weather would stay like this.

"No, erm, I do need to quit this anyway," Joe said, throwing his stub to the ground and smushing it into the ground. "Not your fault at all."

He gave a small smile as he took in the girl in front of him. Maybe he'd liked Caspar at one point but he thought of him as an annoying brother now. Especially with the pranks that they had played with each other in the past weeks.

"I feel really bad," Meg said, frowning as Alfie glared at her. She was sure of one thing; YouTubers could definitely send you glares of hatred when they wanted to. "Especially since your shirt is soaking wet."

"Oh, that's fine," Joe said, mesmerized by this (probably) underage girl. "No matter."

He then proceeded to remove his top; it was already sticking against his stomach and chest. Meg gasped as he did so, not staring at his perfectly toned abs but the long scars that resided on his chest. Joe looked confusingly at her and then remembered.

He'd forced that out of his mind.

He'd stolen Zoe's makeup and rubbed it onto his scars.

And then water and sweat had washed it off.

No. No.

"What happened?" Meg asked, eyes widening.

"N-nothing. Nothing, I, I have to go," Joe stuttered, and ran off, pulling hos top over his head again.

Zoe sighed and went toward Meg. She hugged her tight, Zoe's powdery smell overtaking Meg's senses. Meg hugged back, unsure of why she was but knowing she had to.

Nothing that bad could've happened to Joe. Maybe he fell out of a tree. He was too handsome for something else to happen to him.

At least, that's what Meg believed because she was good at telling herself lies. She'd find out the truth anyway. Publish it online if it wasn't too bad.

Secrecy wasn't involved in a YouTuber's lifestyle.


I like this chapter tbh. Slightly better than what I've done before but whatever.

But PINOF freaking 7 though! Dan and Phil are just smol cinnamon rolls and ahhhhhhhh. I'm sorry for going on about them again Megan :(

Also, I got one of the main parts in my drama at school! Alongside Meguan, the ginger one and my bff. So ye. I did a performance of Annie on Friday night. That was good, we forgot everything and someone fell over. I nearly knocked a Christmas tree down so ya know.

I FaceTimed one of my internet friends last Monday and I kinda fangirled in front of her. As in I couldn't breathe. Yeah. I'm reading the Maximum Ride books in preparation for 'something' which some of my irl friends

Adios, Spanish speaking exams are no fun and have a happy day etc etc.

Sunday updates blah blah blah bye.

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