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The sun was setting, making beautiful colours in the sky above. It fascinated the ebony haired man, and made him think of how unfair it was for nature to be so perfect without Dan.

Phil sighed and made his way into his flat. The place no longer shared with him. The place that had the essence of him but no longer does because he was courageous. God, he thought he'd never say that Dan was brave, I mean he was scared of trees in the dark.

Phil entered the flat and immediately went to his bedroom. He didn't notice the absence of Dan's laptop or the discarded tape lying in the office. Instead he lay face down on the bed and just thought.

Just thinking can be dangerous. People may often say this to get out of a situation or as a cry for help. Albeit, it is a rather unsettling cry for help as the person may be too scared or think they're too worthless to ask for their friends support.

It is much the same as admitting you're tired. Not in the normal sense that you didn't get enough sleep, no. In the sense that you're tired of being in this place. Tired of living and having to put on a facade of happiness and "no, there's nothing wring with me" couple with a forced smile that no one can apparently see through. But God you want them to, you need them to because you can't go on.

Phil was tired. Tired beyond comprehension and could no one see through that? He wasn't even trying very hard and yet, why weren't there people in his flat wondering if he was at least not going to kill himself? He could do just that. He could swallow a number of pills or jump out of a window or bleed out until there was no more.

Phil became frightened of himself. He had the potential to do anything to himself and there was no one to stop him.

"No," a simple word broke the silence of the flat.

Phil went to the kitchen to find his phone that was previously on charge when he had left that morning. When it wasn't there, he began to panic. He practically ran into the living room to see he had misplaced it there; no phone and also no Dan's laptop.

Phil - in a blind panic - rushed out of the flat and straight to the home of his good friend PJ.


"First place bitch!"

"Blue shell mother fucker!"

"No! Don't you dare!"


"Dan you dick!"

Mario Kart seems to bring out the worst in people. From straight out swearing to the despair of the bastard blue shells the game often ruined lives and broke the relationship of friends.
The false Dan and the true PJ were battling against eachother in said game. When they had finished they simply sat next to eachother on the sofa, talking of good times past. But then, PJ expressed the thoughts that had been bubbling up in his mind for the past hour.

"Are you going to go to the police?" the question was spoke quickly.

"N-no. I can't Peej. I-I just can't."

Dan's voice and actions were performed to perfection. Performed to make his audience (however small) feel emotions that they've never felt before and allow them to bubble up to the surface. Dan was a great actor and had nailed his role to perfection. He was Dan. Dan was 11565.

Two harsh knocks on the door made Dan practically jump into his friend's arms. PJ comforted the false Dan but then went to his front door.

"No!" Dan clung onto PJ's wrist. "What if it's him?"

"Then I'll protect you, okay?" PJ looked into Dan's eyes sincerely and smiled. "I will not let him near you."

The banging on the door increasingly grew in frequency and amplitude (bloody hell, anyone would think it'd have a wavelength). PJ opened it and in came the one person he hoped it wouldn't be.

Phil Lester.

PJ stuttered, all confidence leaving him as he trailed after the older man into the living room.


"PJ! You said it wouldn't be him!"

"Dan, you're alive?" Phil walked toward his love, open armed and ready to burst into tears.

"Get away from me! Peej!"

PJ came to his senses and shoved Phil away and stood in between the cowering Dan and confused Phil. PJ's eyes were focused on any move that Phil could possibly make.

"Dan, I want you to get out that door and go to Chris' while I deal with this."

Dan obliged and exited the room leaving his friend and ex lover in there.

"You do not go anywhere near him, okay? You are disgusting. You're like a flea on a rat. Worse. You're an amoeba on a flea on a rat. You're too low for even dogs to bite. Now get the fuck out of my house and never come back."

Phil left. His heart splintered even more so. He could do anything now and no one would care. Not even Dan who was still alive.


"Hank, please! I can't do this!"

"I must apologise there. You have to do this. Get some more on your side. John isn't gonna' hang on for long."

"I'm dead anyway!"

"But you don't want me dead, do you?"


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