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"Aw, I'm so glad you enjoy my videos," Dodie Clark (aka Doddleoddle) said to the fan that was currently dying in front of her.

"I mean, you know your song, Adored By Him?" Meg asked, hair now in a plait that went down to the middle of her back. "I can relate to that so much, you know? With another girl going with your crush of two years. It especially hits home when the girl is your best friend and you told her that you liked him," Meg gave an awkward laugh. "What a bitch. I, erm, it was lovely to meet you Dodie but I have a blog post to write."

Dodie held out her arms for a hug but was surprised when Meg didn't take it. Instead Meg just waved and left Dodie to herself. Evan Edinger (aka the king of puns) was meant to be joining her after her meet and greet but so far there was no sign of the American.

"I know! Another cactus! I swear the cacti community have it out for me!" Evan's voice was loud and could be heard from a mile away. "I've found Dodie."

Evan came into view and turned his travel camera off. He smiled at his ex flat mate (Evan had moved in with his girlfriend of 3 years a year ago but him and Dodie were still very close) and enveloped her in a tight hug.

"How are you?" Evan asked, smiling.

"I'm good, still have anxiety but I'm okay. You okay Pun King?" Dodie laughed.

"I'm great, still spiky over the numerous cacti incidents but what can be expected?"

The two walked past a throng of fangirls obsessing over YouTuber's baby photos. They saw Emma and Luke in a corner and slowly made their way to them.

"Emma Blackberry, Luke..." Evan stoppes thinking of another below average pun. "Gah! I just had one, but it got cut away?!"

Dodie slapped Evan away, wanting to talk to them about another matter. That being that Emma and Luke had been distant with them ever since a couple of months ago. Back when Dan and Phil were spotted in Texas.

"I'm sorry to intrude in your personal lives, but are you okay? You've just been so distant," Dodie said truthfully.

"We're fine," Luke answered quickly and sharply.

"God, she was just asking," Evan snapped; even he was getting annoyed with the two of them. "But it's true, you've been distant."

"That isn't any of your business Evan," Emma frowned. "And anyway, you wouldn't understand!"

"Try me," Evan said, staring at Emma deeply. "As a Boy Scout I've seen a lot of things."

"Sure," Emma scoffed (Luke and Dodie were stood, wanting popcorn to eat). "Come on Luke."

Emma gestured for Luke to follow with her and stormed off into the crowd. Luke just shrugged, sending an apologetic glance toward Evan and Dodie and then followed Emma.

"Should we try and figure out what's going on?" Dodie asked, turning to the American.

"Well, it couldn't do any harm right?" Evan turned to the British.

"Sherlock and Watson?"

"Sherlock and Watson."

Evan and Dodie then turned into the ever growing crowd of fangirls, side by side.

"I'm Sherlock by the way," Evan muttered.

"I hate you."


Update now bc I am planning something else with another writer. They are in fact one of my favourite writers and I can't believe I'm working with them especially since their story is so good. No spoilers though bc IM not doing that for this other book.

I may be taking a small hiatus from this but not soon. If I do take one, it'll only be a couple of weeks at the most. I'm very sorry but I'm just so excited to be working with this writer. When I'm allowed to publish the book I'll link you to their work and the new book.

Btw updates are gonna be on Sundays now.


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