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Megan didn't exactly like the way she had reacted to Jon and Lily the previous day, but then again, that was the exact same way she had reacted when she gained the main role in her school play in year 10.

Meg didn't actually love a lot of things and was confused by the world around her which often led to small bouts of anxiety. When she ate food, she had to have a specific amount of tomatoes ('stolen' from a close friend); cucumbers had to be pealed; and no peanut butter Oreos.

God, she wasn't a peasant.

Names of people had to flow off the tongue and be aesthetically pleasing. This was something that couldn't be said for Dodie Clarke. Sure, her last name was okay, but Dodie was too harsh for her pixie like personality.

Don't hate on the resident fangirl though. She loved Dodie's videos and adored her original songs, but has now, unfortunately, left most of her previous fandoms to perform on the stage.

A note from the real author: Just last week, I saw Megan Ward Wilkinson play Janet (Slut) in The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Her infamous stalking skills had often gotten her into many awkward situations. When she was fifteen, she accidentally knocked her crush at the time out with a door whilst she was talking about him to a friend.

"And here we have the rare and endangered Dodie-"

"Excuse me! I am the only Dodie in the entire world!"

"Oh yeah, because obviously all the other Dodies aren't real, but are robots." Evan laughed sarcastically. "That'd surely be something."

Oh irony.

"What are we doing today Dodie?"

"Well Evan, we are waking around Summer In The City and - Evan stop zooming in and out on my face!" Dodie glared at Evan, a smirk appearing on his face. "I will put a cactus in your bed!"

"I have a cactus!" Evan and Dodie turned around to see Meg. "Well, strictly speaking it's my maths teacher's cactus and wears a mini sombrero but I did take it home. It's all black and crusty - ugh, don't you hate the word crusty? I'm so sorry, I'm rambling. Usually I'm a very quiet person - just ask any of my friends! - and I ramble when I'm nervous or meeting new people. But this is definitely very scary because you're YouTubers and I look up to you. I talked to you yesterday Dodie, about that bitch who stole my crush. Well, the bitch isn't a bitch anymore because well I actually don't know. I'm just gonna put this out there 'cos I saw you arguing with Luke and Emma yesterday and it's kind of suspicious don't you think?"

Evan and Dodie looked at eachother and then at Megan who was smiling up at them.

"Okay, I'm a stalker, deal with it but haven't you seen the way some YouTubers have been acting recently? Especially AmazingPhil, Joe Sugg, Luke and Emma? I mean, has anyone actually seen Pewdiepie without a mask on now a days? Yesterday, I saw Joe Sugg's chest - not in that way Evan, jese - and there were scars on it. Really bad I think to be honest and Zoe hugged me. Don't get me wrong it was a great hug but she seemed really sad. And then there's Jon Cozart and Lily, you know Superwoman? They saw me behind a plant that was like a long way away! And Jon had a cane thingy I dunno. Is he blind?" Meg paused and then spoke again. "Can I be the Mycroft to your Johnlock?"

And a team was born. A team made of an American, a ukulele player and a fangirl. Oh, the sacrifices they'd make.


Well hey, I'm back and ready for fanfic action. Updates will still be very sporadic for a while and not up to a usual standard.

Anyway, my good friend Megara220900 has made an rp group on Twitter! It's for musical theatre fans and consists of musicals ranging from Rocky Horror to Grease and Blood Brothers. It's called Curtain Call and if you're interested either dm her on there or on wattpad itself. I'm sure she'll be very happy with this promo. Meg is based on her etc.

If you want to, go follow my other account that I've made with a friend. cityofaphanobsession will soon have a new book on there called We Could Be Heroes. (Phan)

I'm also writing a Phanfic on this account called barcode and all the chapters have been planned etc. Watch this space.


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