The Milk

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Monet: human, wake up and give me food *pokes Yui*

Yui: ZzzzZzzzZzzz...

Monet: human? You alive human? Huuuumaaaan~! *pats Yui on the cheek*

Yui: *giggles in her sleep*

(I bet she's having a dream about that dude Tsukasa 😹)

Monet: wakey wakey, human-chan~! Wake up and give me food! *hits Yui a bit harder*

Yui: *stirs in her sleep*

Satoshi: *walks in like the douche he is* Ms. Yui? Why didn't you come to school today?

Monet: oh good, another human! Maybe this one will give me food!

Satoshi: *places grocery bag on the counter* oh, hey Monet!

Monet: human, you have to feed me, please! I'm fucking STARVING!

Satoshi: *looks at Monet's empty bowl* you must be hungry... Why hasn't she fed you?

Monet: Hm, I wonder why. Maybe it's because she's sleeping? Dumb human .-.

Satoshi: she must've not have waken up yet, that explains why she hasn't been at school..

Monet: no, human, that's not what's important right now. What's important is that I don't have food and I'm hungry, FEED ME! *slaps his leg*

Satoshi: I should feed you for Ms. Yui, she might not be up for a while. *gets up and opens the fridge*

Monet: good human! Feed me the good stuff and I'll reward you with a giant penis! *meows*

Satoshi:*grabs the milk* you want some of this?

Monet: yes, yes I do, now pour it in my bowl before I scratch your non-existent balls off!

Satoshi: *pours the milk in the bowl*

Monet: good human! Now I bless you with a large penis! *scampers over to the bowl of milk and begins to drink it*

Satoshi: woah, slow down there before you get a brain-freeze, little dude!

Monet: EW, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!?! YOU GAVE ME SPOILED MILK?! DUMB HUMAN, NO BALLS FOR YOU! *attacks Satoshi after barfing on the floor*

Satoshi: ACK- WHAT I DO? HELP!!!


And that's suggestion #1 from @jewel5158 ! Go follow her!

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