During the Summer

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All nine cast members have been asked what they do over Summer break; answers may vary.

Satoshi: Well, mom likes to take me and Yuka to the United States every summer; its kind of our little family tradition. I like that country, people are so outgoing there! Kinda like Seiko, but not as bad.

Yuka: ... Onii-chan and Okaa-san constantly have to take me to the bathroom during the plane rides. I don't have that strong of a bladder... Though, on the bright side, I haven't soiled myself once on these trips! That's good, right? I think I deserve a treat, or some kind of reward.

Yoshiki: When I'm not working, I usually sit around my apartment and watch TV all day. With everyone else gone, I have nothing else to do. It's so boring... At least I don't have to deal with those stupid teachers in school anymore. Those guys suck.

Morishige: over the break, I pretend I'm busy all summer so no one bothers me. I like to stay in my room all day and read, or go out and go college scavenging. Sometimes I'll visit Suzumoto-san's place, or take her out for lunch. Though, she's got a summer job now, which means I can't see her as much. How sad.

Mayu: Oh! Well, I used to stay inside all day and do nothing, but now I make sure I'm always busy! Staying inside and doing nothing all day isn't healthy for growing children!

Seiko: Eheh, you only asked me so you can hear about all the juicy stuff me and Naomi do, didn't cha? How perverse... Eheheheh! Too bad, I'm not gonna tell ya!

Naomi: Seiko gets really clingy over the summer... She constantly comes over my house and interrupts my game time. Though, I don't mind it very much. Who needs games when you have a friend like her? She gives me lots of attention and gets really touchy... I think she's trying to tell me something, though I don't know what. Huh.

Ayumi: Why do you wanna know about what I do over the summer? It's nothing too interesting... All I do is search up creepy stuff on the Internet like demonic rituals, recent paranormal activity, and fanfiction. But then when Kishinuma-kun comes over, he makes me do actual "fun" stuff, so I'm not allowed to do the things I usually do. That guy is a big jerk! Who does he think he is; interrupting a girl's internet routine... Ugh.

Ms. Yui: Over the summer, I hang out with the other teachers and a few of my neighbors. My life's been pretty dull ever since those crazy kids have been gone. I should probably go check up on them sometime.

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