Yoshiki Plays Goat Simulator

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Yoshiki: okay... Why am I playing this again?

Ayumi: *in the other room* PLAY IT OR ELSE!

Yoshiki: or else what, woman?!


Yoshiki: Ugh... Fiiiiiinnnnee.
~a few minutes after the download~

Yoshiki: alright, what do we have here?

Goat: *farts*

Yoshiki: o.o... Wtf? D-did he just-... NO! NO FUCKING WAY! *bursts into a laughing fit as the goat farts again*

~this time skip was brought to you by Kizami's Gym; run rabbit, run!~

Yoshiki: hm... So it looks like I can gain achievements by causing chaos, PERFECT! *makes the goat run to the gravity building*

Goat: *breaks the fence and walks in like a boss*

Achievement gained; FUCK THE POLICE!

Yoshiki: OH MY GOD *dies of laughter*

~A few minutes of laughter later~

Yoshiki: Okay, let's not just sit around like a lame ass, and instead go fuck shit up, yeah?

Goat: *walks into the gravity establishment*

Yoshiki: where to start? Hm... *taps chin*

Ayumi: *suddenly behind him* how about you start by actually going into the control room, Kishinuma-kun? .-.

Yoshiki: FAAAAAAACK!!!! *Falls out of chair* WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU COME FROM?!

Ayumi: The door...?

Yoshiki: You bastarding witch! YOU TIME TRAVELED!

Ayumi: ... Kishinuma-kun, you aren't making a lot of sense right now, did you hit your head when you fell out of the chair?


Ayumi: Yep, you definitely hit your head, very hard. *grabs Yoshiki's arms* c'mon, let's go get Ms. Yui...


~Time skip brought to you by Tokiko's hair salon~

Yoshiki: Alright, alright, alright! *claps* IM BACK, BITCHES! Let's play some goat simulator!

Ayumi: I'm here, too! *waved at the camera* Now, all I've got to do is watch over him and make sure that doesn't happen again.

Yoshiki: Ah, fuck you and your motherliness!

Ayumi: You're just mad that you had to go to the infirmary because people thought you were high!

Yoshiki: OKAY, TIME TO GET BACK TO THE GAME! *ignore Ayumi* *starts playing goat simulator*

Yoshiki: Okay, so the last time we were on, we were gonna go mess some shit up in the gravity facility, yeah? Yeah, that's what we were gonna do.

Ayumi: Go to the control room!

Yoshiki: Yeah, yeah, I know!

Ayumi: *watches him play* *playing around with her phone*

Goat: *waddles into the control room* *still farting*

Yoshiki: I fucking love this game-

Goat: *kicks a chair into the ceiling*

Chair: *stuck in the ceiling*

Yoshiki: ...

Ayumi: e.o

Yoshiki: ... What?

Ayumi: Exactly.

Yoshiki: *laughs at screen* OH MY GOD, THAT'S HILARIOUS! *almost falls out of chair again* -WOAH!

Ayumi: *kicks him and the hair back into the desk* Don't fall over again, damn it!

Yoshiki: *gasps for air* *still laughing*

And so, Yoshiki's game crashed. He was able to fix it, but the game kept crashing... Just like when he was trying to stay in his chair correctly. So, he rage-quit and left Ayumi's house...

... Or did he do a little more "experimenting" with Ayumi for a while before leaving? That's up to you and your imagination to figure out.

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