The Turkey Sandwhich

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Satoshi: *picks up Yuka* you are the most beautiful imōtō, they call you Jabba the Hutt for a reason~

Yuka: help .__.

Morishige: *gives Satoshi a sandwhich* here you go, now stop bothering me and Yuka -_-

Satoshi: No, and THIS SANDWHICH DOESNT HAVE TURKEY ON IT, GET IT RIGHT, YOU SON OF A BITCH! *throws sandwhich at Morishige*

Morishige: WTF- *falls over*

*At Yoshiki's House*

Yoshiki: Should I just buy the game online? NAH, I'll just drive to the fucking GameStop!

Ayumi: But you don't have a car, idiot .-.

Yoshiki: that's why I'm using yours! #GetRektedNewb

Ayumi: wtf?

Yoshiki: OKAY, BYE, LOVE YOU! *walks out the door* man, she's such an attention whore... *jumps into the car and drives to GameStop*

*At Naomi's House*

Naomi: *washing dishes* *turns around* Seiko, what are you doing?

Seiko: I'm a banana!

Naomi: what?

Seiko: IM A BANANA! *suddenly in a banana suit*

Naomi: E-Excuse me?

Seiko: I'm a banana, I'm a banana, I'm a banana, LOOK AT ME NAOMI! *starts dancing*

Naomi: ...

Seiko: banana power! Banana power! Banana power!

Naomi: *shrugs* why the fuck not? *joins in* Banana power! Banana power!

*At Heavenly Host*

Ryuu: Let's play wish bone!

Yukki: yeah!

Tokiko: *gurgle*!

Mayu: P-Please put me down! I don't want to become like you guys!

Ryuu: Alright guys, make sure pull really hard, dig your nails into her if you need to! (See what I did there?)

All three: *start pulling Mayu apart*

Mayu: -GLYK! *rips apart*

Yukki: I win! *waves around Mayu's arm*

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