Part 44

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The minute the door closed they were released. "They bought it Care, they think they actually cut your power off that gives us an advantage" Katarina said pacing the room. "This boundary spell is strong, much stronger than anything quarter witches are capable of so something else is going on here and we need it sorted out now" Caroline said pulling her hair into a ponytail. Bonnie drank from the maid to finish her transition and they all got cleaned up and sat down to plan. After taking in all the events and murders that had be taking place Bonnie gasped shaking her head. "They trapped us inside of an expression triangle; they've gone against nature" she said pulling out a map marking the spots where the last three murders had taken place showing them that the mansion was in the center of it. A knock a the door silenced then and a witch named Sabine came in with blood bags for each of them and the blood was laced with vervain, Klaus' was laced with wolfsbane as well. She stayed to make sure the drank their bag before going into the kitchen and taking their clean supply. "You will only drink the blood we give you from now on she said smiling as she left. Caroline cloaked herself to be invisible and left the house behind Sabine following her to an underground cellar beneath the cemetery where Sidra, Henrik and Hope were being held. It hurt her to see them chained and tied down on the dirty floor. "The Bennett witch is a vampire" Sabine reported to Genevieve the red haired witch. "Doesn't matter, they'll all be dead soon anyway. Kill the originals and all vampires die; all that'll be left to be dealt with is the wolves" she said waving Sabine away. Not wanting to be away too long incase someone went back to the mansion she linked herself to Sidra and left after gathering what information she could. If the witches wanted to play she was more than ready to.

"Aunt Care!" Sidra's tiny voice rang out in her head on the way home and she quickly answered. "I can't reach my mom, where is she?"

"You'll see her soon but I need you to do me a favor Sid. You are right in the center of everything so I need you be my eyes and ears okay. All you have to do is think of me and I'll answer; tell me everything you see and hear"

"They killed Auggie and Agnes" she sniffed. "I know love and I promise I'll make them pay for it" she said staying strong. "Tell your cousins to behave and we're coming to get you soon" she thought back slipping into the house finding everyone anxious as she un cloaked herself. "I saw the kids they're in a cellar under the graveyard; I'm linked to Sid and she's going to tell me what's going on but first we need to figure out how to get untainted blood"

"The daywalkers scattered to avoid getting stripped of their rings so they can't bring us any" Marcel reported who'd also got trapped in the house. "Can't we just compel Sabine since she brings the bags" he added. "Witches are on vervain, which doesn't affect Caroline" Klaus smiled. Katarina started laughing hysterically and everyone turned not sure if they should slap her or join in. "Our children, your neice's and nephew are in a dungeon beneath a cemetery about to be sacrificed and you're laughing" Kol snapped cutting her off. "Caroline Qetsiyah gave you all of Silas' powers so that means like Silas you should be able to get inside their heads. You can make them all think you're Sabine and we'll just keep her here that way you will always know what's going on and be able to keep an eye on the kids" she revealed and everyone relaxed at the notion. "We could just kill them all if that's the case. If Caroline can make them see anything she wants she could infiltrate all of the traitors camps and just kill them" Kol said boiling with anger. "This isn't just about killing them Kol it's about making a statement" Caroline growled; her eyes had darkened to the point where they looked black. "I'm gonna make it quick but I'm gonna make it loud and it will be very messy so that every coven, every wolf pack and misfit clan of vampires in every corner of the goddamn world knows that our children are off limits and that the Mikaelson Family is not to be fucked with!" she screamed with venom dripping from her voice. They all stared at Caroline in shock at that moment; her messy bun was falling leaving strands of hair hanging in her face casting a sinister shadow, the rage rolling off of her could be felt throughout the room. "I guarantee there will be no words to describe happened to anyone involved with this pathetic attempt for a take over when I'm finished here" she ended with a cold detached look before walking away leaving them all stunned.

My Dear Readers,

What punishments fit the crimes of kidnapping the Mikaelson children? I'd love to hear your ideas; anything you'd like to happen to the witches, wolves and rogue vampires?

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