Chapter 5

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Bailey didn't know what to do, she panicked. She just went back to her suitcase and carried on unpacking and then when Kirsty came out, Bailey texted Hayley to meet her at the coffee shop in 10 minutes. Bailey left and walked to the coffee shop and ordered two lattes and sat down. 5 minutes later, Hayley arrived.

"What's a matter girl?" Asked Hayley.

"I'm scared for my life." Said Bailey.


"I was unpacking my suitcase and i saw an Axe and some syringes in Kirsty's suitcase." Said Bailey.

"Oh my, we have our murderer."

"How can you be so sure?" Said Bailey.

"Jimmy Choo got killed by drugs being inserted into her, remember?"

"Yeah, and she got stabbed. Kirsty didn't carry a knife!" Said Bailey.

"She probably did at the party!" Said Hayley. "She could have stolen a kitchen knife!"

"That could be true! But i don't want to jump to conclusions just yet."

The girls leave the coffee shop and return to Chi Omega.

"Girls! Where have you been?" Shouted Beau.

"We went to the coffee shop" Said Hayley as the girls raise their coffees.

"Well there is a murderer apon us! Someone has murdered one of those twins! I think it was McKenzie, i don't know." Said Beau.

"Oh my god, is she okay?" Asked Bailey.

"Of course she is not, she is dead!" Shouted Beau.

"Where is she?" Asked Hayley.

"Kitchen" Said Beau.

The three girls walk to the kitchen to see Lexie on the floor with McKenzie crying by her side and all the other girls looking scared and shocked.

"Who did this?" Asked Hayley.

"It was someone with two syringes because i know syringe spots when i see them." Said Denise.

"We just heard screaming and we found her here and she has been unconscious since." Said Terri.

"Who would kill someone like this?" Asked Piper.

"Someone who takes craaaazy pills." Said Molly.

Hayley and Bailey looked at each other and looked for Kirsty, who wasn't there. Bailey walked upstairs and went into her room to find Kirsty curled up in the corner.

"Are you okay Kirsty?" Asked Bailey.

"Did you put them in there?" Whispered Kirsty.

"Put what in where?" Asked Bailey.

"Did you put those syringes in my suitcase?" Said Kirsty. "Did you?!?" Shouted Kirsty.

"No no, no! I was at the coffee shop!" Said Bailey.

"Well i just saw Lexie, she is dead and i found these syringes in my bag! Someone has planted them in here! I admit, the Axe is mine. I use it as a weapon but not syringes!" Said Kirsty as she begins to break down crying.

"It's okay" Bailey walks over and hugs her and texts Hayley to go to her room, Hayley arrives a minute later.

"Hey gu-, Kirsty are you okay?" Said Hayley.

"Did she do it?" Said Kirsty.

"Hayley wouldn't do something like this, trust me. And she was with me at the coffee shop with me." Said Bailey. "Kirsty claims that someone has planted those syringes in her suitcase, the axe is hers but the syringes are somebody else's."

"Who would plant them here?" Asked Hayley.

"I don't know but i don't know how to use syringes!" Said Kirsty.

"Okay babe, we believe you." Said Hayley as she sits on the right side of Kirsty and hugs her.

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