Chapter 12

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The next day, an unexpected guest has arrived at Chi Omega to see Bailey. The mysterious guest knocks on the door and Prada opens it.

"Can i help you?" Prada said sarcastically.

"I'm here to see my daughter who i haven't seen for over 10 years." It was Bailey's Mom.

"Which girl is it?"

"Bailey, Bailey Mink." Prada lets her in and sits her down and Prada goes to get Bailey.

"What do you want?" Said Bailey.

"Your mom is downstairs." Said Prada. Bailey runs downstairs to find her mom sitting on the sofa. "I'll leave you two alone." Said Prada as she walks away.

"Its been so long, why did you leave?" Said Bailey as she tries not to cry.

"I left because-"

"Because of what? Were me and dad not good enough for you?" Bailey shouted.

"If you left me finish, i left because i'm a lesbian."

"Wait, what? Did Rhys know that?" Asked Bailey.

"He did, he knew i left because of it. I spent so many years pretending to be someone i'm not. And now, i'm engaged to a beautiful woman named Eclair, like the chocolate!"

"Wait so Rhys knew? He told me you just left because we weren't good enough!"

"Your good enough! That's why i came back, to see my baby girl! And btw you need to start calling me Kelly, not Mom." Said Kelly.

"Okay, Kelly. I have to tell you something though, it is best for you to not stay here-"

"Your kicking me out already!"

"It's not you, it's because there is a killer on the loose! There is a person that keeps killing everyone!" Said Bailey.

"Oh, um, that is just, insane."

"It's true!" Said Bailey.

"It is." Said Beau as she starts to walk downstairs. "There is a serial killer on the loose and i suggest leaving."

"Well young lady, i'm here to protect my-"

"You left her over 10 years ago for another woman! She doesn't need you!" Said Beau.

"How would you know that?" Asked Kelly.

"I know i haven't known Bailey for years like you have, but i do know that she needs a mother who will be with her, every step of her college years. And a mother that will witness her first child being born and a mother, who will be their for her first marriage." Said Beau. Kelly got up and walked out of Chi Omega.

"Thank you but i would have just screamed and shouted at her." Said Bailey.

"I can understand why." Said Beau as she hugs Bailey.

Later on that day, all the Chi Omega girls and Gamma Gamma boys throw a party, what could go wrong?

"This party is immense!" Cal said. "Hayley's ass looks smoking!"

"I don't think she would date you, she is still getting over Zachary, remember?" Said Ronnie.

"Yeah but i quite like her."

"Ask her out then or just hook up with her." Said Ronnie as he watches Cal dance with Hayley. Later on, Cal and Hayley go upstairs.

"God your boobs look hot." Said Cal as he makes out with Hayley.

"Cal! Oh oh my god! Keep doing that!" Said Hayley as she kisses Cal harder than ever, then someone walks in. "Shit!" Said Hayley as she puts her dress back on and sees someone in a devil costume. "So we finally meet you."

The devil nods and shoots Cal and runs down the hallway. Hayley runs out her bedroom to find the devil has gone. She calls everyone upstairs to the incident.

"Oh my god Cal!" Said Ronnie.

"What happened?" Asked Denise.

"Well, i was kind of having sex with Cal-"

"Ratchet ass bitch." Chandler mumbled.

"Then the devil walked in and shot Cal and ran down the hallway and he was gone!"

"Oh lord." Said Beau. After all that, Kelly and Rhys go back to Chi Omega to speak to Bailey.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore." Said Bailey.

"I don't either but come on, we have too!" Rhys said.

"Shes right, we shouldn't talk about this." Said Kelly. In that instant, Rhys spots someone in a devil suit with a gun targeting Kelly, he dives in front of her and gets shot. Everyone crowds round and tries to help Rhys but it was no use, he was dead. Bailey and Kelly were crying in each others arms and made up eventually. Bailey went to her room crying her eyes out when Ronnie walks in.

"Baby, come here." Says Ronnie as Bailey holds him tight and wipes her tears. "Everything will be okay."

"What if it isn't?" Says Bailey.

"I know it will, because you have me." Says Ronnie as he kisses Bailey and she puts her arms around his neck. "I know what will make you feel better, some chocolate." Said Ronnie as he pulls out a bar of Cadburys' Milk Chocolate and gives it to Bailey.

"I love you." Says Bailey as she kisses Ronnie.

"I love you more."

"I hope you don't die like everyone else is, because one day, we will start a family, okay?"

"Okay." Said Ronnie.

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