Chapter 6

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"I kind of believe her but kind of don't believe her." Said Hayley.

"I don't know but if it was her, she wouldn't be crying!" Said Bailey.

"That is a good point!"

"What is?" Said Molly.

"Oh, nothing." Said Bailey.

"Oh c'mon, tell me! What's the goss!" Said Molly.

"We was just discussing what we think happened with Lexie." Said Hayley.

"What was the good point?" Said Molly.

"We think it might be, Victoria." Said Hayley.

"Oh my god, i think so too!" Molly agreed. "She has been acting strange lately, i was walking in the park with Clair and she was watching us! She then came over and gave Clair a coffee, i was so confused!"

"Why would she watch you then giver Clair a coffee? Is she a psychopath of some sort?" Asked Bailey.

"I don't know but she is one weird person!" Said Molly. As soon as she said that, there was a bang. It came from Kirsty and Bailey's room, everyone ran in there to find Kirsty on the floor with three syringe spots and her legs had been axed off!

"Oh my god!" Screamed Bailey as she started panicking.

"Not Kirsty! She was a nice person!" Said Clair.

"This is the third death, someone is on a killing spree." Said Hayley.

The next day, Bailey goes to the library to study Chi Omega when she spots a young man getting beaten by two older guys, Bailey runs over and gets the men off the man.

"Get off of him!" Shouted Bailey as the two men ran out the building. "Are you okay?" Bailey asked.

"I'm fine, thank you for that" The boy said as Bailey helped him up.

"What's your name?" Asked Bailey.

"I'm Ronnie, Ronnie Baster."

"Nice to meet you Ronnie" Said Bailey as they shake hands.

I'm Ronnie Baster and i'm the school mascot of Georgian High. People may think of me as some weird guy who prances around in an elephant costume feeling sorry for himself 24/7, i am different. I am also doing medical classes, i want to become a surgeon or even a doctor! All the people in my medical class have been accused of these three murders happening recently at Chi Omega, i wouldn't kill anybody, for anything i would save them! I'm also in a sorority called Gamma Gamma, it makes me sorta popular but i still get terrorised.

"Do you know anything about the crimes at Chi Omega?" Asked Ronnie.

"I'm a pledge at Chi Omega, i've seen everything." Said Bailey.

"Bailey, you need to leave." Said Ronnie. "I know i just met you, but you need to leave. Your going to end up getting murdered!"

"I am just a bit curious, i want to stay and solve the crime."

"I can see why but please, don't die." Said Ronnie.

"I'll try not too." Said Bailey as she says goodbye to Ronnie and they exchange numbers.

When Bailey gets back, she tells Hayley everything in the kitchen.

"You like him don't you." Said Hayley.

"No! I'm just confused-"

"Confused why you have feelings for him" Said Hayley.

"No! I'm confused in the fact that he told me to leave Chi Omega!" Said Bailey. "It's like he didn't want me to die?"

"Or, he could be the killer" Said Hayley. "He could be telling you to leave because he doesn't want you to get killed for saving him!"

"Oh my, that is true. We will have to learn to trust nobody." Said Bailey.

"Yeah, we can only trust each other. Okay?"

"Okay Hails." Said Bailey as Hayley hugs her.

An hour later most of the girls go out for a meal in a local restaurant called Ram's. The girls were Beau, Prada, Hayley, Bailey, Molly, McKenzie and Victoria. We don't know where Denise, Terri and Piper are... Could one of them be planning their next murder?

"Why did we choose this indian to eat in? It stinks!" Said McKenzie.

"Oh stop moaning, at least we are away from the house!" Said Molly.

"I'm going to have the Mung Curry like i always do." Said Victoria.

"You have been here before?" Asked Hayley.

"Yeah, plenty." Said Victoria.

"I have too, my parents came here once a month when they were in college, then when i enrolled in Georgian High, they took me here and i hated it." Said Prada.

"I'm going to have the Mung Curry aswell, it looks tasty!" Said Bailey.

"Me and Prada are going to have the vegetable curry, anyone else fancy that?" Said Beau.

"I don't like veg-"

"Your having it Prada!" Shouted Beau.

"Okay." Said Prada as she put her head down.

"I quite like the Vegetable Curry, i think i'll have that." Said McKenzie

"Good idea McKenKen." Said Beau.

"My name is Mc-"

"It's McKenKen now!" Said Beau.

"Okay." Said 'McKenKen'

"I'm just going to have Tikka Masala." Said Hayley.

"Same." Said Molly.

After the girls ordered and eaten, they go back to the house and go to their rooms, then something weird happens. McKenzie gets a text from a random stranger.

"Open the door twins in sideshow"

McKenzie typed back.

"Is this Beau?"

"Just open the god damn door"

McKenzie slowly walked to the door and opened to find someone in a devil costume, it wasn't red, it was a blue devil. The devil walked in and shut the door behind him/her. Then McKenzie got a text...

"I'm the person that murders everyone and i want you to help me or i will kill you."

McKenzie looked shocked and typed back:

"You killed my sister, i will not help you!"

The devil then pulled out an Axe and texted back:

"You want your head axed off?"

"No! Okay! What do you want help with?"

"I need to kill some people, i know your experienced with syringes." Typed The Devil.

"I'm not killing people, i don't want too but i can be your commander."

"Thats what i wanted."

"But first, show me who you are."

The devil then revealed their mask for 10 seconds and put it back on.

"I never knew it was you, your a sweetheart!" Said McKenzie.

"So do we have a deal?"

"What do i get out of this?"

"You can kill the people who diss you!"

"Okay, Deal." Said McKenzie.

From this moment, we know that McKenzie is helping the devil, who is this 'sweetheart' that kills people?

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