Part 9- The light at the end of the tunnel

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We were still standing there, just staring at the falling snow, when we decided to talk to each other.
- You know that we can't stay here forever, don't you Shila?
- Yes, I know, but we can not go back now, and we can't climb the cliff by ourselves with this cold.
- Well, we have to think of something.
A voice came from behind us:
- Do you need help?
We looked back and saw an old man, moving with a stick. He sounded really familiar. Then my mind started remembering. I have quite a good memory, it just takes me some minutes to think about it.
- Mr. Glicksy?
- Yes, and you are Sorox if my mind still recalls things properly.
- Yes, it does.
- Who is this man Sorox?

- He is the owner of the inn I used to stay with my father at. It is close from here.
I had completely forgotten about it. There was another way to climb the cliff. The inn. The inn had two buildings. One that is below the cliff, in the forest, and the other that is on the cliff, where you can see the mountains. It used a wood platform that climbed the cliff. It was old, but sturdy and safe. Maybe he still had it. Maybe we could trespass the cliff.

- Aye, that be me. Come on, follow me will ya?

We walked for quite some time until we finally saw the inn. It was indeed the same inn, but with the lack of light and the paleness of the landscape it looked a lot older and a bit frightening. We entered the inn, and as soon as we got inside, all of that was gone. It was really bright, just as I remembered it. An old but elegant chandelier held from the ceiling, and its light allowed us to see the bright red floor, and the oakwood walls. It was a truly beautiful inn, and it had not changed at all since the last time I was here.

An old women received us in the counter. Mrs. Glicksy. She was a really sweet dwarf who took care of the inn along with Mr. Glicksy and their daughter, Darae. They got us a room, and we went upstairs. I could not thank them enough for what they had done. I got into my room and fell on my bed. Finally something was going right! I figured that tomorrow I would ask Mr. Glicksy if the old elevator still worked, but for now, Shila and I both needed to rest.

I tried to sleep, but I could not. They were all fast asleep, but not me. That is why I decided to write to you, diary.

I still have not told you why I write it as if it were a story, and not only as my thoughts. Well, that is because I want someone to read it someday. It makes me feel safer. If I die, somebody will know about it, and somebody will be able to tell my story. I also write it in the form of a novel so that when somebody finds you, they will understand my world, and know more about Zaros.
I usually write it in the middle of the night, after everything "important" has happened. If you are reading it now, it probably means that my duty is done, or if we get pessimistic, that I have died. I really hope that tomorrow we can get through to the other side of the cliff. I have been here for too long, and Mr. Philx must be supicious too.

Once we get past the Trepomo mountains it will be really easy to get to my next destination: Besseme, the city of sea and wind. It is quite isolated from the other cities, because the only way to get there is from Natraco, following a path that can be found behind the mountains. The reason why there is no other way in is because it is in the equator of Zaros, on the west of the equator. The equator is unpredictable, because it has two opposing forces: the wind of the north, and the wind of the south. Bessemeo is protected by both currents, and unless you get in the path, there is no way in. That is why it is called the city of sea and wind. It also the Norpar Sea on the northwest and the Surdis Ocean on the southwest, so the same thing happens on both sides; there are only two entrances.

The plan is to enter Besseme through the path, and get out by sea, through the other "path". I will obviously need a boat, but that will not be too hard to find in a city like Besseme. Xeris is still really far away, but with every step I take, I am getting closer. I hope that once I am in Xeris I will find out what I want to do, and maybe, just maybe, I will also be able to get more information about Galinde, my long-lost mother.

Date: 19/10/15

Years: 2015 A.D.M. (after the dissapearance of magic).

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