Chapter 2-Fame Quest

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POV:Jason Jericko

There's something about a girl on the big screen that really turns me on.

It's either that, or the fun in the chase.

Ya see, I watch the radar, find a new face and start my chase. A little chase I like to call The Fame Quest.

I find the newest celebrity and start my pursuit. I have 30 days till they'll give me their heart, and once the clock strikes three-zero, I book it. Gaining me some lime light on the way in, and out.

I'm known as a heart-breaker in the world of fame. But my dad, the famous actor Todd Jericko, keeps the paps in line. If any magazine has the words player, heart-breaker, jerk and Jason Jericko in the same sentence that magazine will be off the racks within one press of a button.

The outside world might not know my true idenitity, it's like a celeb kept secret. You'll only know I'm a player after I've done my game on you.

30 days was up with Jessica Jalba yesterday, so my radar is on, along with the gossip channel. Come on, everyone needs a little help every now and then. Especially if they've gone through more girls than they can count.

"JUST IN, JUST IN! Sage Sagrero just sold out for Madison Square Garden!" Shouted the news reporter.

Sage Sagrero.

Known as the date virgin, as since she's become famous she's never had a boyfriend.

I like a challenge.

Let the games begin.


Sooo... I hope you enjoyed :) I was wondering, should I keep it as LIME LIGHT ATTRACTION, or change it to, THE FAME QUEST, maybe even call it 30 DAYS OF FAME'S MY GAME, or just 30 Days Of Fame? Something close? If you have any suggestions just give me a shout out! Sooo please COMMENT, VOTE, FAN:)

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