Chapter 3-Guide To The Games, Part 2.

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CHAPTER 3-Guide To The Games

(Jason Jericko's P.O.V)

There is nothing more exhilarating than the hunt.

Trying to find Sage Sagrero, and run into her casually was not easy, but the thought of the game made it all worth while.

I play this game on girls for the fun of it.

'No you don't'

Yes I do!

'No, you do it because you don't want your heart torn out again so you tear out theirs'

What.. huh? That doesn't even make sense.

'Don't play dumb. Your moms choice to fleet broke your little 10 year old heart. Now every other girl in your life you figure isn't meant to stay so you just make sure they can't stick around.'

Who the hell are you?

'I'm you, you dip$h!+'

Yeah ok, well whatever, bye me!

'Give it up! You're no heart breaker you're a quivering baby'

Seriously? If i'm you and you are me, then why are you calling yourself a baby?

'I'm not I'm calling you that!'

What..? Whatever.. I'm getting back to my Game plans!

Sage Sagrero, watch out woman the heart breakers coming to town.

'Ugh, no matter how hard I try...'


The Fame Quest

~Description: My quest's simple, I play with girls hearts while getting a little publicity while I'm at it. There are few rules, and that's just my game~

Rule One: 30 days and your up.

Rule Two: Make a girl jello in your hands.

Rule Three: When the girl doesn't fall in love with you, you have to... Well that's never gonna, and never has happened so no need to figure that out.

Rule Four: The most crucial rule; Never, EVER fall in love.


I know you really want them to meet but I'm clearing some things up beforehand! Next chappy, is a go :)! Anyways, this chapter kinda (no REALLY!) sucks! But please comment, fan, and vote! I really want to know what you think :)

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