Chapter 6-Everything's Not How It Seems.. Yeah, Or It's Exactly How It Seems..

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Chapter 6-'Everything's Not What It Seems..Yeah, Or It's Exactly What It Seems..

"What can I get for yall?" Asked a southern woman in her late 30s.

"I'll have the double chocolate chip pancakes with whip cream and maple surup.'' I really, really like pancakes :).

"Same." Joel simply says, for a second I forgot he was sitting across from me.

As the waitress walks away I hear Joel softly chuckle, which makes me snap my head in his direction.

"What?" I question confused.

"You still eat like you've been stuck in the desert for a month." Joel stated causing me to giggle. It was an empty laugh compared my usual musical laugh, I don't know how to be happy sitting here with someone I don't even know anymore.

We just sit in the awkward silence as the attempt to lighten the mood dies down.

Might as well get down to business.

"Why am I here, exactly?" I growl looking Joel in his beautiful blue eyes, that I despise.

"I just wanted to tell you my side of the story. Everything is not what it seems." Joel practically begs.

"I'm not sure how there's another side of you trying to get a picture of us kissing by the paps.." Being the stubborn person I am, I'm not letting him off ever so easily.

"Seriously Sage, If you'll just listen to me you'll understand!'' Joel pleads.

"No ones stopping you, so snap snap, I have places to be." I snap my fingers in his face and then sit down in my seat exasperated.

"Okay, well you know how we were keeping our relationship on the down low?" I nod my head and he carries on, "My cell phone had all of our conversations on it, text and what not. I guess one day I had left it on our counter or whatever. For some reason my dad started snooping my messages... And you know my dad-" My eyes widen.

''Your dad, that is head of Magazine Inc.?" I suddenly glare in his direction.

"Yeah...." He nervously rubs the back of his head. "So anyways, he found the dirt he needed, and obviously wanted some magazine worthy proof." Oh, my gosh! He did not do what he did for his poor daddy.

He must have caught my stink eye so he hurried along, "I told him I wouldn't go public.... So, he forced me to break up with you."

"That doesn't even make sense, why would paparazzi catch us together, just because you had to break up with me?" I rub a hand down my face confused.

"You're still just a impatient, I was getting to that," Joel laughs, a real laugh. Reluctantly I join in after several seconds.

"Here's your pancakes Miss Sagrero." The waitress was back and placing the food on our table.

"Yuummmy!" I nearly shout digging into my pile of pancakes.

"This is soooo good!" I savor each bite of the delicious chocolate chips.

"Anyways, do you wanna hear the rest of the story or not?" Joel answers the question while woofing down his pancakes as well.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." I mumble shaking my head violently with a mouth full of food.

"Soooo, back to the story. You were wondering how the paparazzi found out. I was taking you to our spot to say goodbye to you, and I wanted to make it special. I saw you looking up at the stars,and I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I knew it'd be our last night together, so I wanted to make the most of it, and I kissed you. I had no idea my dad had paparazzi follow us. It was my mistake even taking you, I'm sooo sorry for everything." I glance up from my plate and can almost feel all the remorse in Joel's eyes.

"It's... It's o-o-kay." I stutter out placing my hand on his knee.

"But I do have a question..." I trail off glancing out the window into the night sky.

"What might that be?" Joel questions while wiping whip cream off my lip and licking his finger.

"Well, what made you suddenly want to come clean?"

"I got butt dialed."

"Care to elaborate?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"My dad butt dialed me, and I heard a conversation he was having. About you. And that's mainly why I texted you."

"What'd it say that was such a big deal?" I wonder aloud.

"He was talking to an employee, which are paparazzi, as you know. And I heard him say, "Sage Sagrero. You have to find some story on her, whatever it takes. Front page is yours if you plant some dirt on her." My eyes widen in shock.

"But... but, I don't have any dirt.. WAIT! Plant dirt? Huh.." I trail off realizing what all this meant.

"Yeah, I just wanted to warn you. Not much we can do to stop it, just keep your eyes peeled open."

"Thanks Joel, really it means alot. I'm sorry for over reacting back at the hill," I sigh and reach over to softly squeeze his shoulder.

"I don't blame you, it just feels good to reunite with you." I guess I could'nt have said better myself..


"Okay well, I'll talk to you later right?" I hug Joel goodbye in the shadow beside my car door.

"Yeah.. Wait, don't go yet." Joel jolts out and grabs my wrist pulling me around into a tight hug.

As I start to pull away he attacks my lips.

Soon the sky was once again covered in flashing lights. Not again.

I rapidly push away turning towards my car with a million unspilled tears.

"Sage... I didn't know!" Was all I heard before I slamed the car door closed.

On my dashboard I saw the glow of my phone plugged in blinking with a new message.

FROM JASON:'Sounds good with me, when's a good time for you?'


I text through my blurry vision then bang my head onto the steering wheel.

You forget about Lime Light Attraction for 30 minutes and your heart already breaks into a thousand pieces.

'Don't worry, I'll never make that mistake again.' I whisper to my empty car, as I burst out into the last tears I'll ever give a guy.


Urrrr Im rele mad at myself right now, 2 crappy chapters in a row. Im sure u all just want to shake me and yell "GET ON WITH IT!!" Anyways I guess jason and her will have a one on one time next chapter.. but im rele questioning on continuing, this story isnt getting much feedback :P But to all u who have! Thank you :)

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