Chapter 3-Guide To The Games, Part 1.

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CHAPTER 3-Guide To The Games

"What'd you buy at WetSeal?," "How did playing at the M.S.G. go the other day?" "Now that your tour is coming to an end, what do you plan on doing in your spare time?" Millions of questions flung my way.

"Sage! Sage! How do you stay boyfriend-less all these months, when boys are always flinging themselves at you!!" One question in the crowd actually made it into my subconsiousness.

The answer to that's simple, I give them a little turn on the game of Lime Light Attraction. -After that, I don't have much trouble staying boyfriendless, they handle that part on their own.

All the flashbacks of how my game came to be raced through my mind.


Joel's blue eyes shine in the moon light as we silently climb up the rocky terrain to our secret hiding place from the world.

The day we met we ran into a very low key clearing almost a step away from the Miami beach. Ever since it's been our secret hiding place from the paparazzi.

After that day we promised to never tell a single soul about this. As at the time we weren't that serious, but didn't want anyone to butt into our personal life.

"Why'd you want to come up here this late?" I ask biting my lip, hoping he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend.

"You'll see, you'll see." Joel says smiling with a glint of naughty-ness in his eyes. Maybe he has a surprise to go with it?

We finally make our way up all the rock and into the clearing. It's so quite up here, it's great after never getting the time to think.

I stare up into the stars in awe. These are the brightest I've ever seen the stars.

Suddenly Joel turns around and greedily pulls me to him.

Within seconds the dark night sky is filled with flashing lights.

He. Did. Not. Just. Do. That.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Current Time)

My heart felt like it was getting ripped out of my body all over again just remembering that terrible night. But oh no, that's not the only painful past experience. They're all one in the same:Filled with hurt.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Next FlashBack)

I glare at Noah, because he seems to think that just because I disagree I'm on the rag.

"All I said was that I was tired and I reaaalllyyy didn't want to go to your concert tonight, anyways I went to all your other ones." I complain rubbing my temples in annoyance.

"Tired my @$$! You've been avoiding going anywhere with me ALL WEEK! Why can't you just take out your tampon and tough it out!" Noah shouted across the room.

"Your the one that needs to take out their manpon! You act like you have a stage 10 Manperiod!" I cry out, feeling totally aggravated about the whole situation.

"I'm not the one who is groaning about everything, and has on my period pants cus'a bloating!" Noah just crossed the line.

Ohh.. If he wants me to be on my period, me on my period is what he'll get...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Current Time)

Grumpyness filled my soul at the rememberance of Noahs heartless attitude. Just thinking of our last encounter made my insides grumble and the feeling of PMS fury enter my body. If I ever saw the 'child' again.. Ohhh he'd get worse than what I did to him that day.

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