Chapter 5-'The sudden need for the truth and pancakes.'

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Chapter 5- 'The sudden need for the truth and pancakes.'

Click. Click. Click. Click.

The sound of my high heels pacing across my room echos through the house.

Should I text him.. Is he going to text me? Will I look pathetic texting him in the same day? How am I suppose to teach him his lesson and throw Lime Light Attraction his way if he won't text me/ text me back? Why am I such a mess over just some random guy!

Urrrrrr! I feel like a lovesick girl picking flower petals, 'should I text him, should I not.' I remember those days when you'd sit around ALL day waiting for them to call/text you back and when they don't you just do it all over the next day.

Well that wont happen again. Imma go and text him right now!

I sit down on my bed taking all the courage I have to pick up my phone and click, 'new message'.

Right as I type the letter 'H' I feel a viberation surge through my fingertips.

''OOOOHHHH! A NEW TEXT!" I screech flopping onto my back.

"Hey we really need to hang out!"

'Yeeeah we do..' Wait! I practically have a heart attack when I see who it's from.

Why in the world would Joel ever even try to contact me after what he did to me! He took my trust and threw it down a garbage disposal without a second thought.

Phew, I didn't click send on the text. I rapidly push the back button before retyping, 'What do you want?'

Giving the cold shoulder is the only way to go, ignoring people only leads to more and more text and calls filling up your inbox. Not worth it.

Just seconds later my cell phone vibrated on my stomach making me sigh in exasperation.

FROM JOEL:"I want you. <3" Uh, no he didn't.

TO JOEL:'You aren't getting out of this that easily, can't you just go away. If you get anymore lime light i'm sure you'll overdose. >:/'

I haven't heard from him since that night on the hill, and I really wasn't planning on it. Just the thought of being within 5 feet of him makes me shudder in disgust.

A text popped onto my cellular snaps me out of my mental babble.

FROM JOEL:'I never wanted the lime light, I swear. I only ever wanted you. <3 Pinky swear and beyond'

A single tear steaks down my cheek as memories of our endless time spent at our hiding place. We would always pinky swear and beyond, after we realised we both loved Toy Story and had to pinky promise we weren't lieing.

I had utterly felt so in love with Joel when we had our moments like that. But that's all it was, a moment.

I wish he had actually liked me, not just my fame. But there is no going back and trying to fix things now. He's made his mistake, and he'll pay for it one way or another.. Some day soon.

TO JOEL:'Pinky swears and beyond have been recalled, for being filled with lies...'

If only recalling things was that easy. I'd recall every single boy i've ever encountered.

FROM JOEL:'Mine hasn't broken yet, that's not a lie. I'm sorry Sage, everything that happened is not what it seems to be. If only you'll let me explain.'

TO JOEL:'Ohh I'd like to hear this, *Scoffs*'

There is nothing he can tell me to make me suddenly believe him. There is noway he got forced into doing what he did, just noway.

FROM JOEL:'You can hear it, but I'd like to tell you in person. Would asking you to meet me at our hiding spot be too much?'

TO JOEL:'Yes.' I state simply, never wanting to venture there again.

FROM JOEL:'Pancake house then? I just need to clear things up. It's on me.'

TO JOEL:'It's 10 o'clock at night, my life isn't surrounded around surprise apologise.

FROM JOEL:'I swear you won't regret it, I miss you. But I'm not just doing this in selfishness, this involves you too.'

TO JOEL:'You said pancakes on you right?' I reply licking my lips. Might as well get this over with.

FROM JOEL:'Yeah, I'll meet you there in 10.' He doesn't deserve a reply.

i jump up from my bed and quickly slip back on my heels that were flung acros the floor and head towards the door. I really could care less if my hair isn't completely perfect, and my shirt might be a little rumpeled. Joel isn't worth my efforts.

Most people would want to look stunning and make them know what they're missing out on, but I just want to get over this whole thing and eat some chocolate pancakes.


My phone vibrated in my pocket as I slam the door of my Mercedes closed.

God, I can not take Joel any longer! I'm meeting up with him, isn't that enough?

My eyes widen as I look down at my screen, FROM JASON:'Hey Sage, I feel pathetic texting you first, but I just couldn't resist. I know it's late so i'll talk to you later. Hope to see you soon. ;)'

Wait, what! He isn't suppose to be the one that's got the upper hand. He can't just text me acting like he want's to talk and then say goodbye. It's not his place to call it a night.

I'm suppose to be the one controlling this. I can't Lime Light Attraction a boy when they act like they control the situation.

I have to text him back or he's going to think he's the man, texting and bailing. Pft, who does he think he is.

TO JASON:'I'm actually wide awake, if you're not already cuddling with your blanky I'm game with hanging out later tonight. :)'

Beat that, I just gamed your game. Noone outbeats the master.

Jason Jericko, you just unknowingly walked into my trap. Well, you will after I get through Joels sudden need for the truth and pancakes.

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